How is it Edward Snowden is an enemy of the state?
He gave information to the enemies of the US? as
Obama said?
Like whom?
Maybe he actually opened the world's eyes and minds.
Enemas do that, not enemies.
He showed us that the enemies of the US gubment are
everybody, even its own self & most of its populace.
This is what the US government is "telling us" when
they attack Snowden's right to free speech and his
right to asylum.
secret when your grunt workers are business
contractors? That's how Snowden got in.
Booze Allen Hill is the company.
Enemas do that, not enemies.
He showed us that the enemies of the US gubment are
everybody, even its own self & most of its populace.
This is what the US government is "telling us" when
they attack Snowden's right to free speech and his
right to asylum.
But not the companies that are
contracted to spy on everybody.
How can you keep your illegal spying activity secret when your grunt workers are business
contractors? That's how Snowden got in.
Booze Allen Hill is the company.
[ready for your enema?]
There's more than enough proof that the US
gov is out of control.
checkit: Hullabaloo
really is Big Brother: the leak nobody's noticed
McClatchy piece (written by some of the same people who got the Iraq war run-up
story so right while everyone else got it wrong) is as chilling to me as
anything we've heard over the past few weeks about the NSA spying. In fact, it
may be worse:
Even before a former U.S. intelligence
contractor exposed the secret collection of Americans’ phone records, the Obama
administration was pressing a government-wide crackdown on security threats
that requires federal employees to keep closer tabs on their co-workers and
exhorts managers to punish those who fail to report their suspicions.
President Barack Obama’s unprecedented
initiative, known as the Insider Threat Program, is sweeping in its reach. It
has received scant public attention even though it extends beyond the U.S.
national security bureaucracies to most federal departments and agencies
nationwide, including the Peace Corps, the Social Security Administration and
the Education and Agriculture departments. It emphasizes leaks of classified
material, but catchall definitions of “insider threat” give agencies latitude
to pursue and penalize a range of other conduct.
Government documents reviewed by McClatchy
illustrate how some agencies are using that latitude to pursue unauthorized
disclosures of any information, not just classified material. They also show
how millions of federal employees and contractors must watch for “high-risk
persons or behaviors” among co-workers and could face penalties, including
criminal charges, for failing to report them. Leaks to the media are equated
with espionage.
“Hammer this fact home . . . leaking is
tantamount to aiding the enemies of the United States,” says a June 1, 2012,
Defense Department strategy for the program that was obtained by McClatchy.
the free free press, explicitly protected in the bill of rights becomes
equivalent to an "enemy of the United States" something very, very
bad is happening.
TO F$^&KING SCARE YOU- Costick 67] The Pentagon
established its own sweeping definition of an insider threat as an employee
with a clearance who “wittingly or unwittingly” harms “national security
interests” through “unauthorized disclosure, data modification, espionage,
terrorism, or kinetic actions resulting in loss or degradation of resources or
“An argument can be made that the rape of
military personnel represents an insider threat. Nobody has a model of what
this insider threat stuff is supposed to look like,” said the senior Pentagon
official, explaining that inside the Defense Department “there are a lot of
chiefs with their own agendas but no leadership.”
The Department of Education, meanwhile,
informs employees that co-workers going through “certain life experiences . . .
might turn a trusted user into an insider threat.” Those experiences, the
department says in a computer training manual, include “stress, divorce,
financial problems” or “frustrations with co-workers or the organization.”
… The Bush
administration allegedly tried to silence two former government climate change
experts from speaking publicly on the dangers of global warming. More
recently, the FDA justified the
monitoring of the personal email of its scientists and doctors as a way to
detect leaks of unclassified information.
this is just another way of reducing the
federal workforce. Nobody normal should want to work there.
the Department of Education is searching for "insider threats"
something's gone very wrong.
2 Usahitman
whistleblower to Snowden: ‘Do not cooperate with the FBI’
leaker Edward Snowden is the subject of an open letter of support just
published from behind bars by John Kiriakou, a former CIA agent currently
serving time for sharing state secrets.
In a
letter dated June 13 and published Tuesday by Firedoglake, the imprisoned CIA
vet salutes Snowden for his recent disclosures of classified documents detailing
some of the vast surveillance programs operated by the United States’ National
Security Agency.
you for your revelations of government wrongdoing over the past week,” Kiriakou
writes. “You have done the country a great public service.”
“I know
that it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders right now, but
as Americans begin to realize that we are devolving into a police state, with
the loss of civil liberties that entails, they will see your actions for what
they are: heroic.”
with the June 6 publication of a dragnet court order demanding the phone data
of millions of Americans, The Guardian newspaper has released a collection of
leaked documents attributed to Snowden for which the US government has charged
him with espionage. He is reportedly now hiding in a Moscow airport and has
sought asylum from no fewer than 20 countries to avoid prosecution in the US.
Should he be sent home and forced to stand trial, however, Snowden will likely
find himself in a peculiar position that the former Central Intelligence Agency
analyst can most certainly relate to: Kiriakou is currently serving a 36-month
sentence at the Loretto, Pennsylvania federal prison for revealing the identity
of a covert CIA agent to reporters.
Kiriakou pleaded guilty to one count of passing classified information to the
media last year, the government charged him under the Espionage Act of 1917. He
has equated the prosecution as retaliation for his own past actions, saying the
charge wasn’t the result of outing a secret agent but over exposing truths
about the George W. Bush administration’s use of waterboarding as an
interrogation tool in the post-9/11 war on terror. As in the case of Snowden,
Kiriakou’s supporters have hailed him as a whistleblower. As the government
sings a very different song, though, the CIA analyst offers advice to Snowden
in what is the second of his “Letters from Loretto” published by Firedoglake
since Kiriakou’s two-and-a-half-year sentence began earlier this spring.
find the best national security attorneys money can buy,” writes Kiriakou. “I
was blessed to be represented by legal titans and, although I was forced to
take a plea in the end, the shortness of my sentence is a testament to their
establish a website that your supporters can follow your case, get your side of
the story and, most importantly, make donations to support your defense.”
goes on to encourage Snowden toward garnering support within members of
Congress and other institutions capable of calling attention to his case, such
as the American Civil Liberties Union. Before he concludes, however, he bestows
on Snowden what he calls “the most important advice I can offer.”
“DO NOT, under any circumstances, cooperate
with the FBI,” Kiriakou warns. “FBI agents will lie, trick and deceive you.
They will twist your words and play on your patriotism to entrap you. They
will pretend to be people they are not — supporters, well-wishers and friends —
all the while wearing wires to record your out-of-context statements to use
against you. The FBI is the enemy; it’s a part of the problem, not the
wish you the very best of luck,” Kiriakou writes before signing off. “I hope
you can get to Iceland quickly and safely. There you will find a people and a
government who care about the freedoms that we hold dear and for which our
forefathers and veterans fought and died.”
Snowden first revealed himself to be the source of the leaked documents last
month, murmurings quickly began circulating of Iceland possibly extending his
way an offer of asylum. The list of countries asked to consider his request
reportedly now exceeds 20, and the likes of Ecuador, Bolivia, Cuba and
Switzerland have all been floated as options. As Firedoglake’s Kevin Gosztola
recalls, though, the Federal Bureau of Investigation likely won’t rule out
dirty tricks to try and take down Snowden before he escapes, at least if
Kiriakou’s experiences are any indication.
to Kiriakou, the FBI also tried to set him up,” Gosztola writes. He goes on to
cite a January 2013 interview in which the CIA whistleblower recounted a
previously untold story about the government’s alleged efforts to indict
Kiriakou on even more charges.
the summer of 2010, a foreign intelligence officer offered me cash in exchange
for classified information,” Kiriakou said. “I turned down the pitch and I
immediately reported it to the FBI. So, the FBI asked me to take the guy out to
lunch and to ask him what information he wanted and how much information he was
willing to give me for it.”
the lunch, I wrote a long memo to the FBI — and I did this four or five times.
It turns out – and we only learned this three or four weeks ago – there never
was a foreign intelligence officer. It was an FBI agent pretending to be an
intelligence officer and they were trying to set me up on an Espionage Act
charge but I repeatedly reported the contact so I foiled them in their effort
to set me up.”
is one of eight Americans charged under that World War One-era legislation by
President Barack Obama, who has prosecuted more people under that law that all
previous leaders combined. Snowden became the latest US citizen to have their
name added to that list and joins the likes of WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning
and NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake. In a question-and-answer session hosted by
The Guardian last month, Snowden celebrated those men as “examples of how
overly-harsh responses to public-interest whistle-blowing only escalate the
scale, scope and skill involved in future disclosures.”
with a conscience are not going to ignore wrong-doing simply because they’ll be
destroyed for it: the conscience forbids it. Instead, these draconian responses
simply build better whistleblowers. If the Obama administration responds with
an even harsher hand against me, they can be assured that they’ll soon find
themselves facing an equally harsh public response,” Snowden said.
his first statement since entering Moscow more than a week ago, Snowden published
a note through WikiLeaks on Monday dismissing the White House’s hunt for
leakers, calling their tactics deceptive, unjust and “bad tools of political
the end the Obama administration is not afraid of whistleblowers like me,
Bradley Manning or Thomas Drake. We are stateless, imprisoned or powerless. No,
the Obama administration is afraid of you. It is afraid of an informed, angry
public demanding the constitutional government it was promised — and it should
be,” Snowden wrote.