I am wondering whether France will ever stand up
to the globalisation that is being crushed
elsewhere in the world.
I would equate the globalist elite, like every
recent government, including Prez Hollande,
with the Vichy government under the Nazis.
This is what gave the French the unfavourable
monicker of the 90s as "cheese-eating surrender
monkeys." There is a certain pussy-hat attitude
that is necessary to accept globalisation at this
point. Finally, that has become clear, despite
every media outlet screaming at us all not to
desert our traditional leaders - politicians and
Sorry, we have twitter and we're out of here.
It just so happens that a favourite soup in
France is called Vichyssoise. Soup. Quagmire.
Surrendering to the Ratatoille Rats of
Vichyssoise & ladle metaphors explained.
Monday, 20 February 2017
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Varoufakis' 25 theses nailed on the door of the ECB
This is going to be the place where I stage
a deathmatch between the Yanis and the ECB.
Only one shall be left standing. This is a
watershed moment in EU history despite the
plans of the Troika to keep Greece under
water for another 3 to 6 to 60 months with
their crafty lies and promises.
I don't know that much about the state of
Catholicism in the 16th century, but what
I do know is that it was ripe for a fall.
Well, so is the European Union, especially
if you grab it by its currency. There is
so much hypocrisy being mouthed by the troika
jailers that we need a new Martin Luther.
Along comes Yanis Varoufakis, fresh from his
battles as Econ minister in Greece. I tend
to believe that fame turns him on, but he
is doing much that is right. He wants to
start a pan-European party DIEM-25 to
bring together voters from all countries to
stave off the destruction of the EU at the
hands of its present sheltered blinkered
ruling classes, in the Louis Seize chairs.
Well, he's in the right country:
more soon
a deathmatch between the Yanis and the ECB.
Only one shall be left standing. This is a
watershed moment in EU history despite the
plans of the Troika to keep Greece under
water for another 3 to 6 to 60 months with
their crafty lies and promises.
I don't know that much about the state of
Catholicism in the 16th century, but what
I do know is that it was ripe for a fall.
Well, so is the European Union, especially
if you grab it by its currency. There is
so much hypocrisy being mouthed by the troika
jailers that we need a new Martin Luther.
Along comes Yanis Varoufakis, fresh from his
battles as Econ minister in Greece. I tend
to believe that fame turns him on, but he
is doing much that is right. He wants to
start a pan-European party DIEM-25 to
bring together voters from all countries to
stave off the destruction of the EU at the
hands of its present sheltered blinkered
ruling classes, in the Louis Seize chairs.
Well, he's in the right country:
more soon
Macron Economics and they called him Macroni
This is a continuation of the French election play-by-play.
I don't usually care about France, but it is the second
battleground this year, after the Dutch election. Wilders,
the wild and crazy guy, is set to have the biggest party
in Holland. Holland veers to the far right. and Wilders
is literally crazy, in my books. I wish it wasn't so, cuz
the populist right has much that is right for these days.
Anyway, back to France. This is a far more complex
case. It has a two stage presidential election. This is
specifically designed to keep France from changing
in any drastic way. The people who are the top two
in the first election face off for the prize. In this case,
everybody is saying that Le Pen, the far right
candidate will make it to the second round. But
because of the system and because of France's still
not wanting a "fascist" as their president, whoever
faces off against Le Pen is supposed to win, even
if the French have to vote while holding their nose
like some Roccefort cheese is nearby. That's how
it has worked. But, could this be a unique case
where all the other candidates are garbage or
a scam, like Macron, full of lies, money and
bluster? Is this the chance that Le Pen needs
to actually bust through the gates of the political
Let's get the popcorn ready for April.
Another issue is the opposition. A fun bunch, they
are. We have:
Melanchon- a old-fashioned lefty who dresses like
Ruling Centrist "Socialists"- Elected a quiet radical
(Hamon), as a response to the sell-out Hollande, but
who is already planning to lose
Center Right UMP- Chose a scary Thatcherite
(Fillion) who has since been trapped, by Sarkozy-
some say, in a corruption scandal where his whole
family were siphoning public money to live high
on the hog.
Some context
All of the old party system is also hampered by rules
about funding for elections. This is the reason why
the entrepreneurial Sarkozy got illegal money and is
now facing a long court case that will result in him
walking away guilty as sin, and free as a bird.
Do you remember the one about Coco Channel
handing Sarko envelopes of money to take out of
the country tax free, prolly to Switzerland?
Feckin Sarko. The embodiment of a sarcastic cynical
view of life and politics. Sarco
Who has take advantage of this political gridlock?
Emmanuel Macron. Now who is this guy?
He went from being a Mergers & Acquisitions guy
at Rothch bank in France, to being the Socialist
(ya. believe it) Economy Minister under Hollande,
the outgoing 4% popularity guy. He quit last August
but because of his connections with THAT family,
he has a lot of rich media types (I'll find them soon)
splashing his blanched face all over their mags and
papers, prepping him for power. Some baggage he
has in the form of misappropriating money, but who
in France has not tried that. Even Le Pen has snagged
300 thousand from the EU, for her party.
As if by providence, as soon as Fillion fell on his
face, out comes Macron with a splash.
He's a centrist who uses populist language.
the Party En Marche (bland, prog-sounding)
A big crowd in Lyon (from out of nowhere. He JUST started)
how does that happen?
Big anti-EU talk (bullshit)
Mild anti-banking implications (bullshit)
Stealing other Le Pen lines (again lying, to steal
votes and then continue the neoliberal gravy train).
He played the French anthem at the end (hokey, by
French standards, holding his heart like an American)
Let's watch
his gang "En Marche"
Al Jazeera
he's a smooth talker. I'll grant him that. But
so was Sarko.
If the Alt media, growing in power in France,
albeit slowly, gets its fangs into him, he
might not succeed. However, he seems most
likely to come second to Le Pen and would win
in a face-off second vote. But, the tide is
slowly turning to Le Pen. The gap is closing.
and, as we know from Brexit and Trump, maybe the
French pollsters are asking the wrong people.
In that country where the second vote is designed
to leave things exactly as they are, thank you
very much, it might be the time for Le Pen.
But, she has one fatal flaw, and it's not her
pretty daughter, Marion. It's the fact that she
wants France to leave the EU.
She mentioned leaving the Euro as a first
priority. Not bad, but I don't know how it plays
in France. It might get votes. But, to say that
you'll have a referendum to leave the whole EU
seems crazy. Nobody else in the Union is talking
about leaving, except the UK which left by
accident. France still sees itself as the heart
of the EU. Even the Eurodeath idea is not that
popular. According to polls, only Italy has
close to 50% in favour of leaving the Euro,
and all but one party pledging to leave the Euro
in Italy. So, it might work in France.
The Italians may stumble into a populist election
this year as well.
more soon
I don't usually care about France, but it is the second
battleground this year, after the Dutch election. Wilders,
the wild and crazy guy, is set to have the biggest party
in Holland. Holland veers to the far right. and Wilders
is literally crazy, in my books. I wish it wasn't so, cuz
the populist right has much that is right for these days.
Anyway, back to France. This is a far more complex
case. It has a two stage presidential election. This is
specifically designed to keep France from changing
in any drastic way. The people who are the top two
in the first election face off for the prize. In this case,
everybody is saying that Le Pen, the far right
candidate will make it to the second round. But
because of the system and because of France's still
not wanting a "fascist" as their president, whoever
faces off against Le Pen is supposed to win, even
if the French have to vote while holding their nose
like some Roccefort cheese is nearby. That's how
it has worked. But, could this be a unique case
where all the other candidates are garbage or
a scam, like Macron, full of lies, money and
bluster? Is this the chance that Le Pen needs
to actually bust through the gates of the political
Let's get the popcorn ready for April.
Another issue is the opposition. A fun bunch, they
are. We have:
Melanchon- a old-fashioned lefty who dresses like
Ruling Centrist "Socialists"- Elected a quiet radical
(Hamon), as a response to the sell-out Hollande, but
who is already planning to lose
Center Right UMP- Chose a scary Thatcherite
(Fillion) who has since been trapped, by Sarkozy-
some say, in a corruption scandal where his whole
family were siphoning public money to live high
on the hog.
Some context
All of the old party system is also hampered by rules
about funding for elections. This is the reason why
the entrepreneurial Sarkozy got illegal money and is
now facing a long court case that will result in him
walking away guilty as sin, and free as a bird.
Do you remember the one about Coco Channel
handing Sarko envelopes of money to take out of
the country tax free, prolly to Switzerland?
Feckin Sarko. The embodiment of a sarcastic cynical
view of life and politics. Sarco
Who has take advantage of this political gridlock?
Emmanuel Macron. Now who is this guy?
He went from being a Mergers & Acquisitions guy
at Rothch bank in France, to being the Socialist
(ya. believe it) Economy Minister under Hollande,
the outgoing 4% popularity guy. He quit last August
but because of his connections with THAT family,
he has a lot of rich media types (I'll find them soon)
splashing his blanched face all over their mags and
papers, prepping him for power. Some baggage he
has in the form of misappropriating money, but who
in France has not tried that. Even Le Pen has snagged
300 thousand from the EU, for her party.
As if by providence, as soon as Fillion fell on his
face, out comes Macron with a splash.
He's a centrist who uses populist language.
the Party En Marche (bland, prog-sounding)
A big crowd in Lyon (from out of nowhere. He JUST started)
how does that happen?
Big anti-EU talk (bullshit)
Mild anti-banking implications (bullshit)
Stealing other Le Pen lines (again lying, to steal
votes and then continue the neoliberal gravy train).
He played the French anthem at the end (hokey, by
French standards, holding his heart like an American)
Let's watch
his gang "En Marche"
Al Jazeera
he's a smooth talker. I'll grant him that. But
so was Sarko.
If the Alt media, growing in power in France,
albeit slowly, gets its fangs into him, he
might not succeed. However, he seems most
likely to come second to Le Pen and would win
in a face-off second vote. But, the tide is
slowly turning to Le Pen. The gap is closing.
and, as we know from Brexit and Trump, maybe the
French pollsters are asking the wrong people.
In that country where the second vote is designed
to leave things exactly as they are, thank you
very much, it might be the time for Le Pen.
But, she has one fatal flaw, and it's not her
pretty daughter, Marion. It's the fact that she
wants France to leave the EU.
She mentioned leaving the Euro as a first
priority. Not bad, but I don't know how it plays
in France. It might get votes. But, to say that
you'll have a referendum to leave the whole EU
seems crazy. Nobody else in the Union is talking
about leaving, except the UK which left by
accident. France still sees itself as the heart
of the EU. Even the Eurodeath idea is not that
popular. According to polls, only Italy has
close to 50% in favour of leaving the Euro,
and all but one party pledging to leave the Euro
in Italy. So, it might work in France.
The Italians may stumble into a populist election
this year as well.
more soon
Je me Trumpe
This text will be the place where
I give time to explaining the populist wave
that is washing around the world.
Brexit, Trump, Italian referendum loss
Also, I don't know why it took 3 months
for reasonably intelligent commentators
to realise that Trump probably got the
marginal win because of Twitter. The
Russian Spox said it on the BBC and
now everybody is saying it. Trump is
playing the MSM cuz he doesn't need
them. That doesn't mean that Twitter
followers are fools. Quite the opposite.
They got the memes that Trump wanted
them to, and the MSM was pumping up
lies. Again Wikileaks played a role in
telling voters about the Dems.
So, let's watch out for the fact that the
public has fairly free access to some
truths, and lots of discussion for a
chance to split right from wrong, right in
their hands.
The MSM/government
compact has not only been bypassed,
but it has been revealed in all its
corrupt grandeur. This is not a
conspiracy theory anymore!
In France, there will be elections within
the first six months of this 17th year of
millenium 3. According to the polls
and prognostications of one Prof Mark
Blyth, the Front Nationale's Marine
Le Pen has a good chance of winning
at least the first round. The populist
turn, just like in the UK and US.
Here Blyth is, a day after the US election!
On this video: at 42:00, the future of the EU
-nobody accepts ECB and technocrats running
the EU anymore. Enter the populists.
-At 13:00-19:00 Blyth will blow your mind.
He had predicted Brexit and Trump (discussing
that in a later text) and how Renzi's referendum
would fail (it did) AND then he mentions
how popular Le Pen is, in polls.
with subtitles! cuz of his Scots English accent.
Then, he goes into the macro-economic and political
systems of the past 30 years and the first 30 years
after the war. How this last period is crashing now
because the middle class can see they'd been lied
to. Controlling inflation only matters to bankers
and neoliberals.
Also, check 35:00 , hear how politicians were (past tense)
trying to make oligarchic plutocrats richer with
TPP TTIP and CETA. Those arselickers will be out of
business soon.
[BTW Blyth goes mental at 43:00 and presents the preposterous
idea of Putin starting a war for HIS own reasons.]
I was shocked to hear him say that. With the armies of
30 nations doing exercises on his doorstep, Putin is
going to magic up a war?
NOW, I wrote "je me trumpe" because in French
je me trompe means I made a mistake. I wonder if
France is going to join the populist wave and actually
vote in the Far Right to the Elysee palace. Maybe.
It would be a mistake for France to miss the boat
back to sensible economics (if there is such a thing):
1 Francois Fillion was chosen as the center-right
presidential candidate. Now, it was just revealed
that Fillion was paying his wife a salary (bad enough)
for a non-existent job (disaster). Otherwise, surprisingly,
Fillion's neo-Thatcherite scary ideas would have
easily won the day, in the second round, after Le Pen
wins the first round. (C-left and C-right voters will
likely group together to block Le Pen's win.) Now, it's
unsure whether Fillion is a dead duck in the eyes of
French voters. One opponent weakened.
2 Center-left socialists are waiting for their second
round to choose the guy who will lose the election
because his predecessor, Hollande, was a do-
nothing technocrat. Another weak opponent.
3 The French are realising that their political
dog and pony show is being run out of Berlin,
DIRECTLY! (Germans knew the Euro would
come to this.)
Their 2016 labour law came from Germany, and
was rammed (legally) through parliament, without
debate. People were in the streets for 2 months.
4 Trump, after a few populist announcements has
started getting nasty with the EPA and with Muslim
migrants. French people already view Trump as a
moron. How will this reflect on Le Pen? It might not
help. She may lose ground daily, by being associated
with Trump. Far right losing ground?
So, the second round is up in the air. Le Pen will win
if the EU keeps visibly fucking around with every-
body's meagre existence. By EU, I mean the unelected
technocrats- the Corrupt Juncker; luckily for them,
Schultz is gone; the ECB; Schaueble and Merkel
(they were elected in Germany only, but essentially
run the EU).
Le Pen is less likely to win if Trump becomes an
even-worse pariah in the eyes of French voters. But
if Hollande or the EU try to embarrass Trump, it
will actually help Le Pen.
As it stands, Hollande is starting to shoot his mouth off,
giving Le Pen the edge.
I give time to explaining the populist wave
that is washing around the world.
Brexit, Trump, Italian referendum loss
Also, I don't know why it took 3 months
for reasonably intelligent commentators
to realise that Trump probably got the
marginal win because of Twitter. The
Russian Spox said it on the BBC and
now everybody is saying it. Trump is
playing the MSM cuz he doesn't need
them. That doesn't mean that Twitter
followers are fools. Quite the opposite.
They got the memes that Trump wanted
them to, and the MSM was pumping up
lies. Again Wikileaks played a role in
telling voters about the Dems.
So, let's watch out for the fact that the
public has fairly free access to some
truths, and lots of discussion for a
chance to split right from wrong, right in
their hands.
The MSM/government
compact has not only been bypassed,
but it has been revealed in all its
corrupt grandeur. This is not a
conspiracy theory anymore!
In France, there will be elections within
the first six months of this 17th year of
millenium 3. According to the polls
and prognostications of one Prof Mark
Blyth, the Front Nationale's Marine
Le Pen has a good chance of winning
at least the first round. The populist
turn, just like in the UK and US.
Here Blyth is, a day after the US election!
On this video: at 42:00, the future of the EU
-nobody accepts ECB and technocrats running
the EU anymore. Enter the populists.
-At 13:00-19:00 Blyth will blow your mind.
He had predicted Brexit and Trump (discussing
that in a later text) and how Renzi's referendum
would fail (it did) AND then he mentions
how popular Le Pen is, in polls.
with subtitles! cuz of his Scots English accent.
Then, he goes into the macro-economic and political
systems of the past 30 years and the first 30 years
after the war. How this last period is crashing now
because the middle class can see they'd been lied
to. Controlling inflation only matters to bankers
and neoliberals.
Also, check 35:00 , hear how politicians were (past tense)
trying to make oligarchic plutocrats richer with
TPP TTIP and CETA. Those arselickers will be out of
business soon.
[BTW Blyth goes mental at 43:00 and presents the preposterous
idea of Putin starting a war for HIS own reasons.]
I was shocked to hear him say that. With the armies of
30 nations doing exercises on his doorstep, Putin is
going to magic up a war?
NOW, I wrote "je me trumpe" because in French
je me trompe means I made a mistake. I wonder if
France is going to join the populist wave and actually
vote in the Far Right to the Elysee palace. Maybe.
It would be a mistake for France to miss the boat
back to sensible economics (if there is such a thing):
1 Francois Fillion was chosen as the center-right
presidential candidate. Now, it was just revealed
that Fillion was paying his wife a salary (bad enough)
for a non-existent job (disaster). Otherwise, surprisingly,
Fillion's neo-Thatcherite scary ideas would have
easily won the day, in the second round, after Le Pen
wins the first round. (C-left and C-right voters will
likely group together to block Le Pen's win.) Now, it's
unsure whether Fillion is a dead duck in the eyes of
French voters. One opponent weakened.
2 Center-left socialists are waiting for their second
round to choose the guy who will lose the election
because his predecessor, Hollande, was a do-
nothing technocrat. Another weak opponent.
3 The French are realising that their political
dog and pony show is being run out of Berlin,
DIRECTLY! (Germans knew the Euro would
come to this.)
Their 2016 labour law came from Germany, and
was rammed (legally) through parliament, without
debate. People were in the streets for 2 months.
4 Trump, after a few populist announcements has
started getting nasty with the EPA and with Muslim
migrants. French people already view Trump as a
moron. How will this reflect on Le Pen? It might not
help. She may lose ground daily, by being associated
with Trump. Far right losing ground?
So, the second round is up in the air. Le Pen will win
if the EU keeps visibly fucking around with every-
body's meagre existence. By EU, I mean the unelected
technocrats- the Corrupt Juncker; luckily for them,
Schultz is gone; the ECB; Schaueble and Merkel
(they were elected in Germany only, but essentially
run the EU).
Le Pen is less likely to win if Trump becomes an
even-worse pariah in the eyes of French voters. But
if Hollande or the EU try to embarrass Trump, it
will actually help Le Pen.
As it stands, Hollande is starting to shoot his mouth off,
giving Le Pen the edge.
Monday, 13 February 2017
Trump is a mobile black swan factory
You know you're the boss when your every
word rocks the financial markets.
That is what Trump is doing. People like
hedge funds are throwing up their arms
wondering what he'll do next.
That is a perfect context for a black swan
to waltz right up and beak the banks on the
butt. It would give us the complete
financial meltdown and reset that we so
richly deserve.
As I had mentioned before, the modus of
everybody in the financial sector and govern
ment were focused on unblocking any
liquidity logjam with plenty of fake
"future money" (to be paid by our
And it was working perfectly. All calls
for the Crash #2 were met with more fake
The QE spigot, in true Ponzi style, was
pumping up all asset classes into a bubble
because this condition looks like good
economic times to the illiterates at the
So it was all "buy the feckin dip."
[a message could not be simpler]
Even I know that the markets have gone
up for over 2 years now, ceaselessly.
From the 2014 date of this video to
now you could have doubled your money.
Of course, sensible people were worried
of hitting the top and riding the losses
down to zero.
No such problem. Buy the feckin dip.
Even an idiot could have borrowed
money to gamble, and won!
It's like this cartoon knew that the
US gov would backstop all this
fin de siecle suicidal pact pyramid
Now Trump risks torpedoing all this
by accident.
The markets have been hanging on his
every word. Let's see what the markets
have been doing since Trump was elected:
1-Trump sinks drug stocks
He plans to make drugs cheaper for Medicare.
2 Wall Street has kicked off the Trump presidency with a bounce.
The Dow jumped about 95 points on Friday following the swearing in of Donald Trump as America's 45th president.
During the inaugural address, the new president promised to follow through on his campaign pledge to protect American jobs.
Powered by SmartAsset.com
"We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs," Trump said.
He emphasized that his administration will follow two simple rules: "Buy American and hire American."
Trump sought to bring the country together following a turbulent election.
"When America is united, America is totally unstoppable," Trump said.
Related: Trump market rally on hold, but may not be over
Wall Street has been on an upswing ever since Trump's historic upset of Hillary Clinton, though the euphoria known as the "Trump rally" has waned in recent weeks.
After an overnight selloff on election night, the stock market welcomed Trump with a bang as the Dow soared 257 points the day after the election. Eventually, the Dow would surge more than 1,400 points between the election and the end of the year.
All told, the U.S. market has gained $1.4 trillion in value since the election, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices.
word rocks the financial markets.
That is what Trump is doing. People like
hedge funds are throwing up their arms
wondering what he'll do next.
That is a perfect context for a black swan
to waltz right up and beak the banks on the
butt. It would give us the complete
financial meltdown and reset that we so
richly deserve.
As I had mentioned before, the modus of
everybody in the financial sector and govern
ment were focused on unblocking any
liquidity logjam with plenty of fake
"future money" (to be paid by our
And it was working perfectly. All calls
for the Crash #2 were met with more fake
The QE spigot, in true Ponzi style, was
pumping up all asset classes into a bubble
because this condition looks like good
economic times to the illiterates at the
So it was all "buy the feckin dip."
[a message could not be simpler]
Even I know that the markets have gone
up for over 2 years now, ceaselessly.
From the 2014 date of this video to
now you could have doubled your money.
Of course, sensible people were worried
of hitting the top and riding the losses
down to zero.
No such problem. Buy the feckin dip.
Even an idiot could have borrowed
money to gamble, and won!
It's like this cartoon knew that the
US gov would backstop all this
fin de siecle suicidal pact pyramid
Now Trump risks torpedoing all this
by accident.
The markets have been hanging on his
every word. Let's see what the markets
have been doing since Trump was elected:
1-Trump sinks drug stocks
He plans to make drugs cheaper for Medicare.
2 Wall Street has kicked off the Trump presidency with a bounce.
The Dow jumped about 95 points on Friday following the swearing in of Donald Trump as America's 45th president.
During the inaugural address, the new president promised to follow through on his campaign pledge to protect American jobs.
Powered by SmartAsset.com
"We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs," Trump said.
He emphasized that his administration will follow two simple rules: "Buy American and hire American."
Trump sought to bring the country together following a turbulent election.
"When America is united, America is totally unstoppable," Trump said.
Related: Trump market rally on hold, but may not be over
Wall Street has been on an upswing ever since Trump's historic upset of Hillary Clinton, though the euphoria known as the "Trump rally" has waned in recent weeks.
After an overnight selloff on election night, the stock market welcomed Trump with a bang as the Dow soared 257 points the day after the election. Eventually, the Dow would surge more than 1,400 points between the election and the end of the year.
All told, the U.S. market has gained $1.4 trillion in value since the election, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices.
Blyth opens the Dore to Eurodeath
This will soon be an analysis of a visit by
Prof Mark Blyth, guru of Western disintegration,
to the Jimmy Dore show.
I think Blyth is the man I follow for ideas on
the EU and the populist revolution.
He's a good narrator, if you can handle the
Glasgow Weegie accent. I have a schooling
in Weegie from an early age.
Jimmy Dore is a progressive US comic
who is podcasting and so on. Both
acidic funny and no-bullshit approach is
This is habit-forming.
These are fairly recent i.e. this month
It is a very interesting four part show.
I don't know what order they're in, cuz
they don't say. Still, it's good, approachable
1:00- Larry Summers has paid no price for his
malfeasance. Elite live in a bubble.
2:00 boomers are selfish
2:30 Greece will stay in Eurozone until it ends.
I believe that too. Look at how the EU muddles
from disaster to disaster, and yet keeps going,
cuz they got all the money and power and media.
3:15 how Greek gov used Euro to continue
robbing their own nation
3:45 Blyth's thesis that when Greece started
collapsing, the dominoes were ready and the
German/French/Belgian banks were ready to fall,
and that's the birth of the troika. They could not
allow a domino of bank runs to start off.
4:30 the troika idiots were not sure what to do,
but could not risk collapse. This is sort of excusing
those jerks.
4:50 Trichet at ECB was trying to control
inflation, like a wanker. Institutional blinders. the ECB
could have bought the Greek debt. Solved
-the Adam Smith argument that democracy is
asset insurance for rich people. The rich
have not been paying their share.
1:30 the Euro-birth mistake
3:30 Bernank had "solved the business cycle"
in 2003
5:00 Bankers are incestuous
6:00 systemic risk. Dodd Frank (not good enough)
is now being taken apart by Trump. New crisis
coming. Wall Street knows already, but that's
fuckin hubris and self- anahilation.
7:45 most people, even greenies are in denial
about what effect our wasteful life is doing to
the planet [while most of California is sinking
into a hole]
9:30 governments will not go green. The
agreements are bullshit (I agree). It's up to
us as consumers, for lack of a better word
10:00 German and Chinese green tech are
the future (very believable). To me, at this
key juncture in history, the Anglo-American
world, and its victims (most of EU) will fall
behind because we enjoy being screwed by
bankers. and Trump doesn't believe in
global warming
11:15 Green new deal (Greece's GPAP had
this idea) is THE solution
11:30 how US media (comcast MSNBC) pay
"liberal" talking head journalists $30 000 a
day to ignore reality and particularly their
own corruption.
more soon
Prof Mark Blyth, guru of Western disintegration,
to the Jimmy Dore show.
I think Blyth is the man I follow for ideas on
the EU and the populist revolution.
He's a good narrator, if you can handle the
Glasgow Weegie accent. I have a schooling
in Weegie from an early age.
Jimmy Dore is a progressive US comic
who is podcasting and so on. Both
acidic funny and no-bullshit approach is
This is habit-forming.
These are fairly recent i.e. this month
It is a very interesting four part show.
I don't know what order they're in, cuz
they don't say. Still, it's good, approachable
1:00- Larry Summers has paid no price for his
malfeasance. Elite live in a bubble.
2:00 boomers are selfish
2:30 Greece will stay in Eurozone until it ends.
I believe that too. Look at how the EU muddles
from disaster to disaster, and yet keeps going,
cuz they got all the money and power and media.
3:15 how Greek gov used Euro to continue
robbing their own nation
3:45 Blyth's thesis that when Greece started
collapsing, the dominoes were ready and the
German/French/Belgian banks were ready to fall,
and that's the birth of the troika. They could not
allow a domino of bank runs to start off.
4:30 the troika idiots were not sure what to do,
but could not risk collapse. This is sort of excusing
those jerks.
4:50 Trichet at ECB was trying to control
inflation, like a wanker. Institutional blinders. the ECB
could have bought the Greek debt. Solved
-the Adam Smith argument that democracy is
asset insurance for rich people. The rich
have not been paying their share.
1:30 the Euro-birth mistake
3:30 Bernank had "solved the business cycle"
in 2003
5:00 Bankers are incestuous
6:00 systemic risk. Dodd Frank (not good enough)
is now being taken apart by Trump. New crisis
coming. Wall Street knows already, but that's
fuckin hubris and self- anahilation.
7:45 most people, even greenies are in denial
about what effect our wasteful life is doing to
the planet [while most of California is sinking
into a hole]
9:30 governments will not go green. The
agreements are bullshit (I agree). It's up to
us as consumers, for lack of a better word
10:00 German and Chinese green tech are
the future (very believable). To me, at this
key juncture in history, the Anglo-American
world, and its victims (most of EU) will fall
behind because we enjoy being screwed by
bankers. and Trump doesn't believe in
global warming
11:15 Green new deal (Greece's GPAP had
this idea) is THE solution
11:30 how US media (comcast MSNBC) pay
"liberal" talking head journalists $30 000 a
day to ignore reality and particularly their
own corruption.
more soon
Sunday, 12 February 2017
The Union of German Soviet Ordo-Liberal Republics
This is the announcement of the obvious
news that the EU has become what the
USSR could have only hoped to have been,
if it had been more paranoid.

[last laugh, anyone?]
A number of well-chosen words from the US
were enough to distract the EU from its
hatred and fear of Putin, to its extra-ordinary
hatred and fear of Donald Trump and his
erstwhile representative in the EU, Malloch.
[Verhofstadt sees his future in the Politburo vanishing
over the Urals, or was that Urinals? Fact check please]
Ted Malloch's wonderful conversation with
Afshin Rattansi hovered over the controversy
about the new broom in town. It's clear from
the first few questions. The EU has realised
that the US will not backstop their bullshit
any longer.
Malloch and Trump have only hinted at
the number of problems that they will try
to solve, like the wimpy Euro currency.
Rubbing salt in the wounds of Brexit.
Destroying the USSR, which looks suspiciously
like the EU.
It looks like the EU has been the bully
in its own block for a long time, enforcing
torture on smaller groups, like Ireland
and Greece. It has been able to label
white as black, and now all of a sudden,
reality has hit the EU like a double-decker
A bully from around the way has said
that the EU's shit stinks, and the EU has
become well shaken.
more soon
news that the EU has become what the
USSR could have only hoped to have been,
if it had been more paranoid.

[last laugh, anyone?]
A number of well-chosen words from the US
were enough to distract the EU from its
hatred and fear of Putin, to its extra-ordinary
hatred and fear of Donald Trump and his
erstwhile representative in the EU, Malloch.
[Verhofstadt sees his future in the Politburo vanishing
over the Urals, or was that Urinals? Fact check please]
Ted Malloch's wonderful conversation with
Afshin Rattansi hovered over the controversy
about the new broom in town. It's clear from
the first few questions. The EU has realised
that the US will not backstop their bullshit
any longer.
Malloch and Trump have only hinted at
the number of problems that they will try
to solve, like the wimpy Euro currency.
Rubbing salt in the wounds of Brexit.
Destroying the USSR, which looks suspiciously
like the EU.
It looks like the EU has been the bully
in its own block for a long time, enforcing
torture on smaller groups, like Ireland
and Greece. It has been able to label
white as black, and now all of a sudden,
reality has hit the EU like a double-decker
A bully from around the way has said
that the EU's shit stinks, and the EU has
become well shaken.
more soon
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