This text will be the place where
I give time to explaining the populist wave
that is washing around the world.
Brexit, Trump, Italian referendum loss
Also, I don't know why it took 3 months
for reasonably intelligent commentators
to realise that Trump probably got the
marginal win because of Twitter. The
Russian Spox said it on the BBC and
now everybody is saying it. Trump is
playing the MSM cuz he doesn't need
them. That doesn't mean that Twitter
followers are fools. Quite the opposite.
They got the memes that Trump wanted
them to, and the MSM was pumping up
lies. Again Wikileaks played a role in
telling voters about the Dems.
So, let's watch out for the fact that the
public has fairly free access to some
truths, and lots of discussion for a
chance to split right from wrong, right in
their hands.
The MSM/government
compact has not only been bypassed,
but it has been revealed in all its
corrupt grandeur. This is not a
conspiracy theory anymore!
In France, there will be elections within
the first six months of this 17th year of
millenium 3. According to the polls
and prognostications of one Prof Mark
Blyth, the Front Nationale's Marine
Le Pen has a good chance of winning
at least the first round. The populist
turn, just like in the UK and US.
Here Blyth is, a day after the US election!
On this video: at 42:00, the future of the EU
-nobody accepts ECB and technocrats running
the EU anymore. Enter the populists.
-At 13:00-19:00 Blyth will blow your mind.
He had predicted Brexit and Trump (discussing
that in a later text) and how Renzi's referendum
would fail (it did) AND then he mentions
how popular Le Pen is, in polls.
with subtitles! cuz of his Scots English accent.
Then, he goes into the macro-economic and political
systems of the past 30 years and the first 30 years
after the war. How this last period is crashing now
because the middle class can see they'd been lied
to. Controlling inflation only matters to bankers
and neoliberals.
Also, check 35:00 , hear how politicians were (past tense)
trying to make oligarchic plutocrats richer with
TPP TTIP and CETA. Those arselickers will be out of
business soon.
[BTW Blyth goes mental at 43:00 and presents the preposterous
idea of Putin starting a war for HIS own reasons.]
I was shocked to hear him say that. With the armies of
30 nations doing exercises on his doorstep, Putin is
going to magic up a war?
NOW, I wrote "je me trumpe" because in French
je me trompe means I made a mistake. I wonder if
France is going to join the populist wave and actually
vote in the Far Right to the Elysee palace. Maybe.
It would be a mistake for France to miss the boat
back to sensible economics (if there is such a thing):
1 Francois Fillion was chosen as the center-right
presidential candidate. Now, it was just revealed
that Fillion was paying his wife a salary (bad enough)
for a non-existent job (disaster). Otherwise, surprisingly,
Fillion's neo-Thatcherite scary ideas would have
easily won the day, in the second round, after Le Pen
wins the first round. (C-left and C-right voters will
likely group together to block Le Pen's win.) Now, it's
unsure whether Fillion is a dead duck in the eyes of
French voters. One opponent weakened.
2 Center-left socialists are waiting for their second
round to choose the guy who will lose the election
because his predecessor, Hollande, was a do-
nothing technocrat. Another weak opponent.
3 The French are realising that their political
dog and pony show is being run out of Berlin,
DIRECTLY! (Germans knew the Euro would
come to this.)
Their 2016 labour law came from Germany, and
was rammed (legally) through parliament, without
debate. People were in the streets for 2 months.
4 Trump, after a few populist announcements has
started getting nasty with the EPA and with Muslim
migrants. French people already view Trump as a
moron. How will this reflect on Le Pen? It might not
help. She may lose ground daily, by being associated
with Trump. Far right losing ground?
So, the second round is up in the air. Le Pen will win
if the EU keeps visibly fucking around with every-
body's meagre existence. By EU, I mean the unelected
technocrats- the Corrupt Juncker; luckily for them,
Schultz is gone; the ECB; Schaueble and Merkel
(they were elected in Germany only, but essentially
run the EU).
Le Pen is less likely to win if Trump becomes an
even-worse pariah in the eyes of French voters. But
if Hollande or the EU try to embarrass Trump, it
will actually help Le Pen.
As it stands, Hollande is starting to shoot his mouth off,
giving Le Pen the edge.