I am wondering whether France will ever stand up
to the globalisation that is being crushed
elsewhere in the world.
I would equate the globalist elite, like every
recent government, including Prez Hollande,
with the Vichy government under the Nazis.
This is what gave the French the unfavourable
monicker of the 90s as "cheese-eating surrender
monkeys." There is a certain pussy-hat attitude
that is necessary to accept globalisation at this
point. Finally, that has become clear, despite
every media outlet screaming at us all not to
desert our traditional leaders - politicians and
Sorry, we have twitter and we're out of here.
It just so happens that a favourite soup in
France is called Vichyssoise. Soup. Quagmire.
Surrendering to the Ratatoille Rats of
Vichyssoise & ladle metaphors explained.