Tuesday, 27 January 2009

BBC struggles with its humanity

www.dec.org.uk Donate.
The BBC will not show a humanitarian aid commercial for Gaza so as not to appear biased.

They think that we wouldn’t want them to appear as unbalanced humanitarians, so they have to let some people die unnecessarily.

The BBC's Lord Protector was overheard saying in effect, "It’s unfortunate, but it must be this way for the future of the BBC, fair and balanced as it is, like Fox News. Excuse me, I must go to enjoy a 7 –course lunch in Mayfair. Thank you."

In that way, the BBC is showing a balanced image by balancing the needs of the super-rich and Lordly class with those of royalty. The rest of the inhabitants are subjects, and so they don't count, you see?

Sunday, 25 January 2009

FSA and hedgers take us to hell & back repeatedly

[enjoy this video from DOA as a fun interpretation of the sad story below]

I'm beginning to study the intricacies of the stock market. As we already know, Crash Gordon Brown has brought us here. What do we do now?

First issue: short selling

Here's the story: Crazy, greedy stock brokers find someone who will, 'in theory', 'lend' them a stock that belongs to a third party (unbeknownst to them). For example. JPMorgan brokerage (now dead, I assume, RIPieces) would 'borrow' a stock which they are sitting on for someone else (I know, it sounds crazy already). JPM lends it to Shorty (for a fee) and promises to buy it back from Shorty at some future point. In the meantime, Shorty does what he can to start rumours which will cause the stock to fall (schoolyard tricks). He does this because if its price falls, he makes a profit when he sells it back to JPM. It's a shell game.
Make it illegal for traders to play these theoretical games on the real market. Shift them to Ladbrokes who will take bets on anything, like 'when will it snow next in London'.

First problem: They're making money from a completely fictitious event without possession of the actual stock. It's a magic trick designed to make some suits rich, but it has cancerous effects on markets especially when they're in the dumps.

Second problem: These fictitious deals have been notorious since the Dutch tulip market crash (don't laugh, it was worth millions when millions meant something) in the 17th century, and have often been illegal. And I'm not even gonna mention naked shorts (short for naked greed) because they're even more fictitious than a Disney flick.

Third Problem: The Financial Services Authority (UK) banned Shorties on bank shares for a while, but now they think that the banks are okay (are they really?), so they've allowed them again. What's the first thing that happens? All the major bank stocks lose 40% of their value in a day, on average. My head is spinning like a dervish.

In a way, the government is giving the banks our future money, which it has to borrow to feed those banks, so that Shorties can undermine them, thus expanding the destabilisation of the economy. When are the banks going to start lending again in these market conditions? Banks were also a weak link in 1929.
Where is our money, really? I'll bet Shorty knows where it is.
So, the FSA has ensured that a largely financial crisis will most certainly spread throughout the whole economy, FOR A LONG TIME. The 1929 crash eventually affected the real economy for a whole DECADE, probably aided by the fact that short-selling was illegal sometimes and sometimes not. And remember, only Shorty benefits from such conditions of uncertainty.

Things are different now. We would not now borrow money to invest in stocks. But, British and Americans borrowed to invest in houses because prices were inflating artificially, making them look like a 'sure bet'. So, they are the most indebted nations, on a personal level, and thus more vulnerable to this downturn.
However, we now have a social safety net and we've long since become accustomed to mortgaging our futures and those of our children, as individuals and as a nation.
We'll all be like the hero in the action movie who takes bullets, knives, bats and punches and keeps on going dizzied because he's righteous, he's a fighter and he doesn't know what else to do.

Have we learned anything from these crashes? Do we need stock markets, after all? Do they provide us with nothing more than the illusion that we have a strong economy, and a retirement stock portfolio, so that we can lend our hard-earned money to some suits to make them rich? I, for one, would like to start by 'going long' and sticking it to Shorty.
So, people have to find a way to slay this deadly paper monster before it eats us all.

checkitout: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Selling
& bbc2 1929 on i-player (58 minutes)

mikeinwarsaw wrote Oct 30 2008 0953
I am delighted that the hedge funds are suffering. About time. The whole idea of selling something you don't own and have not paid for to deliberately drive the price down and then buy back pocketing the difference, should be made strictly illegal. In the normal real world such activity is called fraud. Try selling your neighbour's car or house not having paid him for it and doing that to a lot of people, then buying back the asset at a much lower price, your pocket will be the difference. But what about the real owner of the asset? He/she is now the proud owner of an asset that directly through your activity has dropped in value. In the real world you would very quickly be arrested for fraud and theft. In the investment banking world its called aggressive brilliant profit making.

So, the governments of the world must make this practice illegal, or else they will leave us enslaved to the hedger cartel's fraud. It's that simple.

Friday, 23 January 2009

NEXT! serving number 44

"That Bush43 bastard, he no tip and he fart, long time. He took food from other guy plate. He think whole place is his. He say daddy fix everything. He drunk an' stooopid."

Thursday, 22 January 2009

bush shooed from Washington SOH TSOL MOFO

Hello from Washington, the "chocolate city with the marshmallow centre and the crust of corruption" (S. Colbert 2006)

Shoo, Bush43, Shoo!

All the hyper-sensitive anti-terrorist police and agents let down their guard and let the people speak with their feet, or.... their footwear. Masses of shoes and even pumps were 'donated' to the White House lawn before Obama took office.

[notice the shoe, if you will]

[Please place your Bush43 here. Above. NOW!]

"As the protesters headed back toward Dupont Circle, a Secret Service agent left them with a parting observation. 'You all won,' he said. "
"Medea Benjamin, a cofounder of the antiwar group CODEPINK, said the protest was a way to 'get the Bush era out of your intestines.' '"I was a little reluctant because I want to be in a positive mood,' she said. 'I don't want to be seen as doing something violent. The shoe-throwing is borderline, but the intent is to insult, not to hurt. There's a fine line.'"

The reception was almost as warm from the people guarding the White House.

"Don't hit me!" one officer behind the White House fence joked as shoes rained around him.

Tracey Primavera, a shoe-lobber from Provincetown, Massachusetts, shouted at the guard that she had a pump that would look nice on him.

"I tried that. It didn't look good on me," yelled back the officer. Primavera tossed him the pump anyway.

Nice to see how people can return to their good humour when the arsehole leaves the party.

checkitout: http://www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/121052/

Sunday, 18 January 2009

fat cat death watch

The following are only the most disgustingly profligate, immoral bastards on an otherwise very long list of people who have used the system to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of the world (people and nature).
They are the creme de la feces.
As they are, they're of no use to us alive.
So, we're going to watch and enjoy when one of them either:
1 donates extremely large sums to charity,
2 loses his wealth (say, by giving it to a drugged up spoiled child or by going nuts), or
3 dies

The list-
1Warren Buffett
2Carlos Slim Helu
3 excused, for now William Gates III we've been told that he donated billions. Any proof?
4Lakshmi Mittal
5Mukesh Ambani
6Anil Ambani
7Ingvar Kamprad
8KP Singh
9Oleg Deripaska
10Karl Albrecht
source: Forbes magazine

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Obama's and our few minutes of hope

As promised, it is the Star-spangled banner that you're listening to. People the world over are so excited about the possibility for change that they will most certainly be disappointed somewhat at some point afterwards. At least Obama isn't a monumental moron. His predecessor, whats-his-name43, engendered equal parts mocking laughter and apocalyptic fear for the future of humanity. As it turns out, he only destroyed the economy, the environment, any last vestige of respect for politicians, any last vestige of respect for the US worldwide and any hope of economic fairness. I just can't recall his name.
I'm going to be a prick on this day, showing my preference for another person to play the role of President of the states united in central North America, Morgan Freeman. Couldn't you just imagine him dealing with nay-sayers: "Now, hold on a minute there mister!"

Happy Birthday, Mr. al Zaidi

Happy 30th. May the new enslaved democracy of Iraq allow you to live on. Unfortunately, regardless of what the video shows, you have been charged with assaulting the leader of the country, (not Maliki, you malaka! Bush43!). So, in most democracies, that's a hanging offense. Sorry to say it.
However, as a journalist, you are a shining example of how not to wait graciously for some bullshit answer from a fascist liar like Bush43.
al Z:"Uuuuh, why you keeell our women and childrrrren?"

Bush43: "we are exporterating terrorism in the guise of democracy. We're on a crusade, okay?"

Hush (puppy) the bastard.
Fed-ex him a boot to the head.

Friday, 16 January 2009

walk off into that sunset, cowpie

[Here Bush43 tries to leave through a locked door, galantly]
If it were this easy, we should have locked him out of the White House in the first place. Woulda saved everyone alotta grief.

A cowboy is a pre-modern knight, cultured and polite. When he sees people whose souls are hurtin, he can soothe their savage breast, like he did in New Orleans. Lost your home? Your belongings? Listen to a ditty from Hoss. If that doesn't cause a breakdown, what will?

When he wasn't a cowboy, he was a crusader. Reaching out to the people. Giving to the people. He gave great heartache... and headache, right Rosebud?

He was a crusader for democracy and for Jesus.
Free speech meant everything to him. It was the very essence of democracy, damn it!

Alas, the poor boy couldn't win for losing.

It hasn't been said much better than below:

George W. Bush Ain't No Cowboy
See how the little feller measures up to the Cowboy Code, and you tell me.
Erik Baard
Tuesday, September 21st 2004
George W. Bush is a fake cowboy. From media accounts, you'd reckon that the president was a buckaroo to the bones. He plays up the image, big-time, with $300 designer cowboy boots, a $1,000 cowboy hat, and his 1,600-acre Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas. He guns his rhetoric with frontier lingo, saying that he'll "ride herd" over ornery Middle Eastern governments and "smoke out" enemies in wild mountain passes. He branded Saddam Hussein's Iraq "an outlaw regime" and took the vanquished dictator's pistol as a trophy. As for Osama bin Laden, Bush declared, "I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' " Britain's liberal newspaper The Guardian noted that "such language feeds the image overseas of Mr. Bush as a hopelessly inarticulate, trigger-happy cowboy."

Costick67 may be a prophet, part 3

In a recent blog, I mentioned how the use of the word final with (or without) the word solution is pretty scary when you think how it was used in WW2. I mocked the possibility of the use of the term in today's Mid East (see Philistines story). Well, now! Issie(rael) seems to be using the word final quite liberally in relation to their attacks on Gaza. Maybe this is the end for the Palestinians on that crappy, low-value piece of real estate with nice beaches. Perhaps the next settlement will see Israeli settlements planted on the beaches that will look strangely similar to a Sheraton burn-my-arse-on-the Beach Hotel. They will have legal standing as kibutzes and guests will toil to pay for their room and board, or provide cash in lieu of that.
You see, there's a wisdom to killing them off slowly. Maybe nobody important will notice if they kill a few thousand every year. Nobody would want to shock the markets in these troubled times by annihilating a whole society. That was the Nazi's mistake.

How can you enjoy your ice-chilled drinks with those Hamassers blowing stuff up? Issie's propaganda says Hamas poses a threat to the whole world, just like Iraq did. That's why they must be cornered in Gaza. Oh......they are... okay.
I'm surprised that those folks have waited 61 years to make their big uprising. The Polish one in WW2 flared up within a year. They saw they were cornered and that they were being ever more limited, so pop goes the uprising. Alasm it was ruthlessly crushed. The Gazers must be saying what's the use, we've been caged already. I guess the Palestinians are just lazy. Poor buggers.

I think Darwin had something to say about that kind of laziness. I think he said, "Either you have the Protestant work ethic, or you're screwed, anthropologically speaking." I'd like to add to that the corollary which says, if you want to do the screwing (I mean empire-size screwing) these days, become Evangelical Born-Again Protestant (see below).

checkitout http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L6222934.htm