[Here Bush43 tries to leave through a locked door, galantly]
If it were this easy, we should have locked him out of the White House in the first place. Woulda saved everyone alotta grief.
A cowboy is a pre-modern knight, cultured and polite. When he sees people whose souls are hurtin, he can soothe their savage breast, like he did in New Orleans. Lost your home? Your belongings? Listen to a ditty from Hoss. If that doesn't cause a breakdown, what will?

When he wasn't a cowboy, he was a crusader. Reaching out to the people. Giving to the people. He gave great heartache... and headache, right Rosebud?

He was a crusader for democracy and for Jesus.
Free speech meant everything to him. It was the very essence of democracy, damn it!

Alas, the poor boy couldn't win for losing.

It hasn't been said much better than below:
George W. Bush Ain't No Cowboy
See how the little feller measures up to the Cowboy Code, and you tell me.
Erik Baard
Tuesday, September 21st 2004
George W. Bush is a fake cowboy. From media accounts, you'd reckon that the president was a buckaroo to the bones. He plays up the image, big-time, with $300 designer cowboy boots, a $1,000 cowboy hat, and his 1,600-acre Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas. He guns his rhetoric with frontier lingo, saying that he'll "ride herd" over ornery Middle Eastern governments and "smoke out" enemies in wild mountain passes. He branded Saddam Hussein's Iraq "an outlaw regime" and took the vanquished dictator's pistol as a trophy. As for Osama bin Laden, Bush declared, "I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' " Britain's liberal newspaper The Guardian noted that "such language feeds the image overseas of Mr. Bush as a hopelessly inarticulate, trigger-happy cowboy."