I really don't want to sh*t on the telethon parade for Haiti, but the place is suffering from a bad case of voodoo politics. Why is it that the media, who love to cover UP bad practice, mentioned that for the FIRST 7 DAYS of the disaster, the airport was full of food, the media had meals, but the Haitians were left on the street with no food support (I don't know about medical or disaster relief)?
I truly hope the money that the middle classes of the world pledge actually gets sent somewhere near Haiti, because a whole bunch of rich actors and minstrels gave their time, for free. Usually, the cash loses its way. I wish it weren't true.*
Anyway, back to that voodoo thing. Now, we all know that Billie Clinton repealed the now-famous Glass-Steagal act, an action which has since opened the financial gates of hell. So, I'm actually glad that he was strapped to the iron maiden for spunking on his intern.
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, ya. In the video that George Clooney used to get you all wet about loosening the purse strings included good old Billie. Unfortunately, he let slip some key words which are like sonar to vampire bats, the blood-sucking bats here being the IMF.
He said something to the effect that Haiti will be rebuilt with better infrastructure, A DIVERSIFIED ECONOMY, MORE FREE TRADE AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT. Unfortunately, those are the exact reasons why Haiti has no infrastructure and is poverty-stricken. Foreigners have been sucking all the value out of Haiti's public money and services, and holding the citizens to ransom.* The earthquake has only been a respite in the otherwise full-time screwing of this country.
This is why Haiti has never been allowed to raise its collective head since the Duvalliers regime was kicked out. They traded a native slave-owner for the international slave-driver, the IMF. Any Haitian politician who dared to talk about the people's interests was fed to the maddening crowd, and shot or pissed on, or both.
And Billie is one of their spokesmen. The IMF's, silly.
You were moved by the plight of the Haitians because you're human. Globalisers are remarkably lifelike, but not human, in the most important sense.
The history of Haiti is actually one of human striving. It was the first place in the 'New' World where the slaves revolted successfully.
Now, this country has lost over 100 000 people because nobody can defend them and their country from exploitation.
UPDATE: Haitians have sussed out the international community, which doesn't care about them, and started building their own homes: Paisley Dodds (Associated Press) "Haitians rebuilding without help"
-Costick67 (8^(
* check out how those same globo-clowns took charge of Bolivia's public water provider and made it illegal for Bolivians to harvest rainwater or well water. Bolivians revolted, but the globos (Bechtel) took their payoff and ran. For a second there, they were the Gods of Water.
checkitout: 3 stories
-American Red Cross (ARC) scandal with scammed money: Alternet- Devona Walker
"In Haiti Relief Skirmish: Stop Bugging Wyclef and Look at the Red Cross"
[some quotations]
"But in its aftermath (of 9-11) some of the organization's (ARC) internal issues came to light. It was revealed that hundreds of millions of dollars donated to the ARC to aid survivors and their family members were actually used on Red Cross operating expenses, try to plug a funding gap."
"...the agency (ARC) who has received the lion's share of relief funds for Haiti, about $147 million..."
-The Right Testicle of Hell: History of a Haitian Holocaust
Blackwater before drinking water
by Greg Palast for The Huffington Post from: http://www.gregpalast.com/
Our plea to send medicine to a friend's father in Haiti was answered by Democracy Now! producer Sharif Abdel-Kouddous who will make the delivery in Port-au-Prince. Apparently DN, unlike the US government, doesn't require armed "Security" to save lives.
1. Bless the President for having rescue teams in the air almost immediately. That was President Olafur Grimsson of Iceland. On Wednesday, the AP reported that the President of the United States promised, "The initial contingent of 2,000 Marines could be deployed to the quake-ravaged country within the next few days." "In a few days," Mr. Obama?
2. There's no such thing as a 'natural' disaster. 200,000 Haitians have been slaughtered by slum housing and IMF "austerity" plans.
3. A friend of mine called. Do I know a journalist who could get medicine to her father? And she added, trying to hold her voice together, "My sister, she's under the rubble. Is anyone going who can help, anyone?" Should I tell her, "Obama will have Marines there in 'a few days'"?
4. China deployed rescuers with sniffer dogs within 48 hours. China, Mr. President. China: 8,000 miles distant. Miami: 700 miles close. US bases in Puerto Rico: right there.
5. Obama's Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, "I don't know how this government could have responded faster or more comprehensively than it has." We know Gates doesn't know.
6. From my own work in the field, I know that FEMA has access to ready-to-go potable water, generators, mobile medical equipment and more for hurricane relief on the Gulf Coast. It's all still there.
Benjamin Dangl: