Monday, 25 January 2010

who the hell is Thomas Frank?

Well, I found out about him through Alternet. He was talking to Bill Moyers on PBS about the hell that is the day-to-day running of the US government, which is being dismantled and privatised. I wouldn't care, but they're exporting this crap, especially through the IMF. Rich oligarchies running all the important Western countries are eating this stuff up like GM maize. May their kids have two heads... each.

Anyway, his style seems, at first to be too wordy and too erudite, which is a problem, because we need FIRE AND BRIMSTONE from OUR side, for a change, BUT if you watch this video, you'll see that he's a good researcher and his concepts are among the clearest on the 'Correct' side of the political picture. I wouldn't say 'liberal' because
to have liberal politics, you need liberal politicians.
They're as dead as the dodo.
You and I are just talking and worrying about the stuff which might eventually
return us to the Middle Ages,
serfdom and mandatory church sermons on Intelligent Design,
in lieu of school lessons,
because the Ministry of Education of Country X is bankrupt.
I especially like Frank's responses to the vox pop questions at the end. A real down-to-earth beer drinker.

Watch for now, if you've got 50 minutes, and I promise I'll write some good sarcastic crap on the material that this video uncovers. I'm sure I'm not the first, but I mentioned in many stories that, since Communism was defeated, democracy has been back-sliding into 19th century-type exploitation and political corruption. Frank mentions many aspects of this. Get your popcorn and watch.

-Costick67 (8^P
spread the word