Saturday, 27 February 2010

a company is a person. a person is a subsidiary

I did not know that was possible.
When a politician in the US says that the Republican Party, in its entirety, politicians and members,
are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the insurance industry, you know that he's in trouble.

[stick with it. Weiner gets bumped 2 times by the referee of Congress.]
The US is a country with a healthcare system that gives insurance companies
healthy balance sheets.
Profits rose 56%, last year, in the middle of a recession.
At the same time, the insurers dropped 2.7 million customers. Those folks paid, but they were the unfortunate bearers of an illness that the insurers did not wish to cure.

-British politicians just love the American model. Unfortunately, they'll have to dismantle the NHS healthcare system before they get to copy that system. Give them some time...

-Costick67 (8^P

Friday, 19 February 2010

gonna fly my broom outta Gitmo

I think these photos are just liberal bullshit. These are not from Guantanamo.
It's some guy's idea of a sick joke.

This is what life in Gitmo is really like:
Apparently, the prisoners on the rump of Cuba have been enjoying a library,
like some Shawshank Redemption.
The favourite book among the detainees?

Harry Potter

among the guards?

'How to Flay or Water-board a Prisoner'
or 'Why the Hague Convention Doesn't Apply Here' or
'Go On, Abuse Your Prisoners with Gusto'
'Degredation through Buggery'

The moral of the story:
The news media are stupid, OR
they consciously want to take attention away
from the human rights abuse that is Gitmo
by turning our attention to a topic
that only a British audience would
accept unquestioned: 'everybody's favourite book'
The Brits read lots of books,
but methinks too many, if they got fooled by
this brazen NON-NEWS story.

-Costick67 (8^P
fotos from

The Midnight Hedge-press

UPDATE: The UK is NEXT! see below

Look out! It's Hedge Man!
He takes reasonably advanced economies and messes with their monetary policy.

Countries need to fund their debts, which have been inflated by hedging and derivatives.
It's a bit of a confidence game.
Especially when Hedge Man has taken out a position on a country failing.
If the country fails, Hedge Man makes money.

The problem is that the rumours Hedge Man starts scare the 'real' markets, making debt more expensive to pay off. Also, the insurance for loans is run on the hedge market.
Ya, I know it sounds stupid, but it's true. All they gotta say is 'BOO', and the price goes up.

I don't know why
some hedge-guy pulling his peter in the corner
is being allowed to affect real markets and real countries.

Anyway, Hedge Man can kill off healthy companies.

Now, he's decided to take on whole countries.
And I don't mean basket case Third-World countries,
but advanced, European basket cases, like Greece.

While hedgers deal in rumours which they seem to use, at will, to spook markets, no one seems to want to do a wire tap. There's gotta be something legally or morally wrong with destroying markets. Hedge Man needs to be hauled up in front of a judge for fraud.

Anyway, Hedge Man is making a whole country into a football. Maybe this will be the big event which will cause the powerful EU countries to finally round these Hedging wankers up and wind up their shell game. If they don't, it'll be one of those 'they came for the Jews ...' stories.
If Hedge Man starts eating up the small Euro countries, he'll go for Ireland, and no Clinton's gonna save the beloved Emerald Isle then.

UPDATE: according to the BBC, the hedgers are starting rumours about a hung parliament
(no majority party) after the next election, in May.
and using it to hedge against the mighty pound.
So, with Cameron's Conservatives (among the others)
having his election funded by these Hedge boys,
I ask: Who's in charge, over here?

-Costick67 (8^P
foto from

Monday, 8 February 2010

blogs with conviction, for murder

[pic Glenn Beck, of Fux News, dressed like a band-leader]

I saw a lame BBC documentary with a semi-comatose American presenter ,
all about the """Wonder of the Internet!""*
How lame was it?
One of the guests:
The Zombie of the 2000 election, Alouishus (Blud 'n) Gore.

One of the things the presenter said, before I fell asleep was that 80% of blogs are dormant. Therefore, the journalist opined that the 'Net is not about free speech. Did she need a degree to figure that one out?
Actually, I'm a computer. My module just clicked, and I had to tell the truth.

Anyway, soon after that show, I went to see if there was any proof. I got on the Wondernet.
I checked other blogs on Blogger. I saw lots with 2008 final entries. I thought, maybe they're dead? Maybe girlie was right!
It might have been a bad day, but every other blog I saw was about some person who divulges his/her religious affiliation in the first few lines, and every few thereafter
and on the side-bar as well.
praises to God
the mission of spreading His word
(they're invariably American)
the best one was a guy who mentioned
and his gun collection
Go find his blog. He scares me.
Just search: gun, God
Folks!: If he mentions Obama as well, then call the FBI
I'll tell you why:
you've just found a Glenn Beck/ Fux News fan, or
a (future) Christian terrorist and/or

a Klansman.
The FBI will be looking for him.
They want someone 'of faith' to 'follow' the President's movements.**

I'm fascinated that a sizeable minority of active bloggers is driven by their religious conviction. American religious groups, because they've never been persecuted, tend to go on the offensive. They can't see how un-Christian it is to force your religion down the throats of others.
Anyway, it may also be an indictment of the sloth of those without conviction.
Ya bunch of sybaritic pagan layabouts. Hedonistic bastards.
We have a mission over here!
By the way, I haven't found an interesting new Blogger blog for months.
Folks are either selling crap (a pox on their hard drive) or giving instructions on how to cook a flambe.
Coming soon. Instructions on how to write a blog.
-Costick67 (8^P

* The Virtual Revolution, on BBC
**Precedent: The FBI had 40 agents spying on Martin Luther King and his mistresses, and yet, quelle surprise! when MLK got shot, nobody in the Federales was around to notice who shot him. You'll be surprised to know the shooter was one of theirs, complete with the fake passport for to leave the country.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Junking is as junking does

Byline: how one nation destroyed another's junks and then forced junk on their junkies.
Fast forward 150 years: Back to the future. The junkies are now peddling their junk.

In 1841, the British Navy gang was cruising around East Asia looking for trading markets.
They wanted to trade with the large Chinese market, except the Chinese wanted no truck with the Limeys.
Mercantilists, like GB, rarely take 'no' for an answer.
They were at the leading edge of international trade, backed by their military.
How's this for customer service:
The Chinese would get some of
Afghanistan's finest heroine,
whether they wanted the junk or not.
[The Brits and Gringos are still cornering the market.]
To make it stick, Team GB sent their newest metal battleship,
Nemesis to crush the rickety Chinese junks (trading boats).
[pic Nemesis junkin' some junks,]

The market was forced open and China was awash with stoned-out motherf^**^%kers.
The Chins were wagging, and they were not happy.
Then, the Brits took a foothold over there to have a permanent market,
Aloha, Hong Kong.

The locals have a long memory and they're nothing if not patient.
They went through more than a few revolutions,
a communist revolution,
a cultural revolution and then
a market revolution.
Now their political system is the international ideal.
Capitalism without democracy is a model that all Western countries are now trying to emulate.
The junk that we are now overdosing on is cheap Chinese products. They've invaded our markets, and taken our manufacturing jobs.
We've lost trading income and can only grow our economy by going further into debt.
We're losing our jobs and houses and still we're hooked.
We just can't stop buying their junk, day and night. We're addicted!
The Nemesis couldn't hold a bilge bucket to this container ship.

"Hey, dude. You want some good stuff?"
Revenge of the Disposable Consumer Products!

-Costick67 (8^P
Empire of the Seas, on BBC

Say 'yes' to the plutocrats

Byline: Think positive or die

I've seen a lot of 'yessing' lately.
Yes Man: a good film about being fearless.
the Yes Men: good spoofs, see below. Lots of truthing, too
The Power of Yes: a play at the National Theatre in London
It's about the key stages in the financial crisis, which started in August 2007 (I'll bet you didn't know that).
You left your money with those secretive bastards didn't you? That is, if you had any. I'm sure I didn't. Still don't.

A review of the thespian thing: coming soon to 'Modern Man' blog.

Here are some of the political/economic aspects:

It started in August 2007. The crisis took a whole year to blow up.

The US government could have paid a few billion in early 08 to help bankers over the hump. They didn’t want to pay, so they paid 700 billion to buy out several banks.

In August 08, credit had stopped. It would have meant the death of capitalism within a week.

Soros spanks Greenspan (Ayn Rand’s disciple) at the end.

Greenspan disavows his theories after the crash. [it seems that he actually left just when the whole thing started unravelling. So, he knew all about it, and high-tailed it.]

Markets are not self-regulating.[even the temporary acceptance of this theory opened the doors to rich boys to f%^&k around with capitalism]

Acronym: SLUMP. pumping

Equation of risk. C= sy...

-It was only for the company in question, not for the economy. But, they all fall like dominoes if anything goes wrong for one. So, they are interlinked, and the theory didn’t account for that. One chance in 10 000, became one for one.

Fairness is skewed . They think they deserve a a million-pound bonus.

Profits from sales go straight to salesmen, not the company. They thought it was their right.

You can’t last long in the stock business. [is it burnout?]

The pull of the deal is the drive for success. They didn’t think of anything else. That’s why government needs to be supervising them.

-Costick67 (8^P

Saturday, 6 February 2010

the Yes Men strike oil

These nutty guys went to Alberta, to an NPC oil conference and gave a spoof speech which warned about global warming and gave the audience candles in the shape of a janitor, derived from his fat, because they say it was his dying wish upong realising that he would die from contamination derived from an accident at Exxon.
Exxon is 'burning humanity' through global warming, as they say.
Then the cops showed up.
It was in Wired mag, so it must have happened.

There was no video, but lots of pics:

This was their last trick, and it was in '07, so, I wonder if they've had the 'NCIS treatment' i.e. they've been threatened with being sent to Gitmo.

I stand corrected. They've pulled many stunts since this one, and fooled the BBC and Fox into putting them on the air. They've represented (themselves as) Dow Chemicals (they of Bhopal) and Exxon, among others.
They've even got a documentary:
'The Yes Men Fix the World' (2009)

-Costick67 (8^P


world hunger is etched across her face

Byline: Spoof video where GM-speech gets 'modified'

Here's someone talking over the jargon of a plutocrat from the Kings of Genetically-modified 'food.....stuff' product, illness, mercantilist control of land, sea, air, everything:
ADM, hiding behind their initials, so that we don't recognise them.
Apparently, the vid's been pulled from Youtube (chickensh*ts), but other sites still got it.

Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - ADM CEO Patricia Woertz
Uploaded by WorldEconomicForum. - Watch the latest news videos.

-Costick67 (8^P