I've seen a lot of 'yessing' lately.
Yes Man: a good film about being fearless.
the Yes Men: good spoofs, see below. Lots of truthing, too
The Power of Yes: a play at the National Theatre in London
It's about the key stages in the financial crisis, which started in August 2007 (I'll bet you didn't know that).
You left your money with those secretive bastards didn't you? That is, if you had any. I'm sure I didn't. Still don't.
A review of the thespian thing: coming soon to 'Modern Man' blog.

It started in August 2007. The crisis took a whole year to blow up.
The US government could have paid a few billion in early 08 to help bankers over the hump. They didn’t want to pay, so they paid 700 billion to buy out several banks.
In August 08, credit had stopped. It would have meant the death of capitalism within a week.
Soros spanks Greenspan (Ayn Rand’s disciple) at the end.
Greenspan disavows his theories after the crash. [it seems that he actually left just when the whole thing started unravelling. So, he knew all about it, and high-tailed it.]
Markets are not self-regulating.[even the temporary acceptance of this theory opened the doors to rich boys to f%^&k around with capitalism]
Acronym: SLUMP. pumping
Equation of risk. C= sy...
-It was only for the company in question, not for the economy. But, they all fall like dominoes if anything goes wrong for one. So, they are interlinked, and the theory didn’t account for that. One chance in 10 000, became one for one.
Fairness is skewed . They think they deserve a a million-pound bonus.
Profits from sales go straight to salesmen, not the company. They thought it was their right.
You can’t last long in the stock business. [is it burnout?]
The pull of the deal is the drive for success. They didn’t think of anything else. That’s why government needs to be supervising them.-Costick67 (8^P
checkitout: nationaltheatre.org.uk