It's some guy's idea of a sick joke.
This is what life in Gitmo is really like:
Apparently, the prisoners on the rump of Cuba have been enjoying a library,
like some Shawshank Redemption.
The favourite book among the detainees?
The favourite book among the detainees?
Harry Potter
among the guards?
'How to Flay or Water-board a Prisoner'
or 'Why the Hague Convention Doesn't Apply Here' or
'Go On, Abuse Your Prisoners with Gusto'
among the guards?
'How to Flay or Water-board a Prisoner'
or 'Why the Hague Convention Doesn't Apply Here' or
'Go On, Abuse Your Prisoners with Gusto'
'Degredation through Buggery'
-Costick67 (8^PThe moral of the story:
The news media are stupid, OR
they consciously want to take attention away
from the human rights abuse that is Gitmo
by turning our attention to a topic
that only a British audience would
accept unquestioned: 'everybody's favourite book'
The Brits read lots of books,
but methinks too many, if they got fooled by
this brazen NON-NEWS story.
they consciously want to take attention away
from the human rights abuse that is Gitmo
by turning our attention to a topic
that only a British audience would
accept unquestioned: 'everybody's favourite book'
The Brits read lots of books,
but methinks too many, if they got fooled by
this brazen NON-NEWS story.
checkitout: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/booknews/6151383/Harry-Potter-is-most-popular-book-in-Guantanamo-Bay.html
fotos from progressiveworldreview.com