Saturday, 6 February 2010

the Yes Men strike oil

These nutty guys went to Alberta, to an NPC oil conference and gave a spoof speech which warned about global warming and gave the audience candles in the shape of a janitor, derived from his fat, because they say it was his dying wish upong realising that he would die from contamination derived from an accident at Exxon.
Exxon is 'burning humanity' through global warming, as they say.
Then the cops showed up.
It was in Wired mag, so it must have happened.

There was no video, but lots of pics:

This was their last trick, and it was in '07, so, I wonder if they've had the 'NCIS treatment' i.e. they've been threatened with being sent to Gitmo.

I stand corrected. They've pulled many stunts since this one, and fooled the BBC and Fox into putting them on the air. They've represented (themselves as) Dow Chemicals (they of Bhopal) and Exxon, among others.
They've even got a documentary:
'The Yes Men Fix the World' (2009)

-Costick67 (8^P
