You'd think it was a comedy festival, what with the
to cover this, "WITH A PEN".
It’s like "let’s send up the whole thing, and
then we won’t get sued".
Charlie Skelton, despite being a comic,
is observant. He noticed that the mainstream media
were absent, while the INTERNET BRIGADE,
of which I wish I were a junior member,
was there LIVESTREAMING with CAMs,
& THEY got to interview Tony Bliar,
and caught him lying (what a surprise) about
attending such a billionnaire-fest while he was
That's conflict of interest, sir.
IshitUnot: Guardian (assorted clips)
The power jumps a few thousand watts when an SUV rolls up and out hops the Oprah Winfrey of alternative media: Alex Jones. ....He's broadcasting his show live from the police line, streaming video, ... the next minute bullhorning some poor billionaire delegate as they try and slip inside unnoticed. "The answer to 1984?" yells Jones. "1776!" roars the crowd.
The wall between people and events – that dusty old safety barrier between the news and its consumers – it's tumbling down around Bilderberg.
They're out here, in the Virginia sun, working hard. Livestreaming, uploading, swapping data, checking audio feeds – in short, reporting the news. And why? Short answer: because CNN isn't.
I ask Luke why he's come. "I try not to theorize. I go to the source. I try and find out exactly what's happening." Rudkowski used an article I'd written at Bilderberg 2010 to put Blair on the spot. In my piece, I'd used the evidence available online to call Blair a liar. Rudkowski went to the horse's mouth.
"There's a reason he lied. It shows you something's going on. The more questions I raise about
Bilderberg, the more questions I have – there's a lot more to the story than what we're being told".
After the awkward admission comes the killer question:
"Conflict of interest?"
You have to watch Tony Blair's discomfiture at that question. His answer is basically: "Yeah. Um." Watch it. And then wonder to yourself why such a skilled politician would tell such a stupid lie in the first place.
Luke Rudkowski is the We Are Changer who put Blair on the spot. He's here in Chantilly, outside Bilderberg, with more recording equipment strapped to him than the average moon lander.
"It's huge," he says, as he records the crowds. And the crowds just keep on growing. By early afternoon on Thursday, there are well over 200 people, and they keep rolling up. I hate to curse Bilderberg 2012 by saying this so early, but it feels like… this could be the big one. The breakthrough.
But here's the thing… footage has just been released by activists from We Are Change, who took the liberty of sticking a microphone in Tony's face and asking him the same question. (You can watch the video here)
Same question. Different answer.
"Yeah, it's a really useful group actually, I remember going back to that in 1993, and we, er… it's a great way too for people from different parts of the world to get together, um, so it's been good."
The mainstream press dropped the ball on Bilderberg; in fact, I'm not even sure they ever had it in their hands. So people like Rudkowski have had to step in, pick up the ball, re-edit it, and stick it online with comments enabled. At Bilderberg 2012, the mainstream press is quite simply being bypassed. And there's me with my pen and notepad, interviewing Luke, while he livestreams it. I feel like a caveman with a bad haircut talking to an astronaut.
more proof of well-hidden infiltration attempts that ended in the cafe', down the street:
the bankers
Romney attended Bilderberg 2012
06 Jun
Jacque Fresco
The Washington Times sent Ben Wolfgang, the
Guardian sent Ryan Devereaux and the
Times of London
actually tried to get a journalist inside – Alexandra Frean was turned away at
the gates. But she tried. At least she tried. That’s a start. We can work
with that.