Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Greece is a test bed for global bankocracy

The failing of the banker classes in their attempt to subjugate
South America was that those poor countries were not
beholden to an international body that would tie its
metaphorical hands and feet and keep them in the fire
of Debt Hell.
Now, Greece, and the ever-growing list of victims of
bankocracy in the EU, has no choice but to take this
extra-parliamentary putsch and turn it into a
permanent cancellation of democracy.
The election you just saw was iconic, since the politicians
who won will continue to do the bidding of the Troika.
It will have no effect on the cancellation of
the Greek constitution.

Latvia was just the appetiser. And the poor bastards
had just got out of Communist Hell, all wide-eyed.
 Latvia success

IshitUnot: 2 texts

Liberty blitz
Remember the Words of Joseph Stalin
Posted on June 14, 2012 by Michael Krieger

Know Your Enemy
As we head into the Greek election this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to recall the words of Joseph Stalin.  Particularly his observation about elections and vote counting.  I find it hilarious that the Greek authorities suspended polling heading into the election.  I mean, that tells you everything you need to know.  This is exactly what you would do if you were thinking about rigging the results.  The worst thing that could happen would be to have Syriza soaring in the polls into the main event.  If that was the case, it would be much more difficult to arrange a more “favorable” outcome.  This way they can just claim “wow, unexpectedly the bankster parties won!”  I’m not predicting that will be the outcome, I’m just saying the suspension of polling was a huge red flag.*  Here is the chart of the last polling results and some excellent commentary.  Greece is extremely important as it is a key testing ground for TPTB.  Everything that is happening in Greece will be attempted elsewhere if they can get away with it there.  This gives the country a great deal of significance.  That said, even if Greece is lost there is no way TPTB can win this thing.  It is taking them more than two years to roll up tiny Greece.  Even if they succeed, do you think Spain and Italy will go so easily.  Then what about the U.S. with hundreds of millions of guns everywhere?  There is no chance.  The globalist agenda is already dead in the water; however, as we can see it doesn’t stop them from continuing to try.
What TPTB do not appreciate are the lessons we are all learning from Greece.  We must learn many more lessons though.  We must admit to ourselves that there are truly evil geniuses out there, and in most cases these characters have taken control of the power structure (corporations, politics and factions of the military in most of the nations we reside in).  The necessary action is not for good people to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that such people do not exist.  We must get inside their minds
2  zerohedge
Just What Is Mario Draghi Hiding? ECB Declines To Respond To Bloomberg FOIA Request On Greek-Goldman Swaps
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/14/2012 13:38 -0400
Back in February 2010, in the aftermath of the discovery that none other than Goldman Sachs had facilitated for nearly a decade the masking of the true magnitude of non-Maastricht conforming Greek debt, Zero Hedge first identified the prospectus for a Goldman underwritten swap agreement securitization titled Titlos PLC. We titled the analysis "Is Titlos PLC The Downgrade Catalyst Trigger Which Will Destroy Greece?" because for all intents and purposes it was: at that time a rating agency downgrade of the country would lead to a chain of events which would make billions in assets ineligible for ECB collateral, forcing a massive margin call on the National Bank of Greece, which likely would have precipitated a Greek default there and then.
... The ECB's response: "The European Central Bank said it can’t release files showing how Greece may have used derivatives to hide its borrowings because disclosure could still inflame the crisis threatening the future of the single currency."
... But what is far more likely is that the reason why the ECB, headed by none other than former Goldmanite Mario Draghi, is desperate to keep these documents secret is for another reason. A very simple reason:
    Mario Draghi - 2002-2005:  Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Goldman Sachs International
In other words, Draghi was a key executive at Goldman at precisely the time when none other than Goldman Sachs was hired to create and facilitate the active hiding of the true extent of the Greek debt problem.