If you stack Chicago School (fascist) economists at the bottom of Lake Michigan, would the resulting methane cause global
warming to increase rapidly? No, but it would worth trying. I don’t have the
right data now, but I could extrapolate from the dead body of their boy Augusto
Pinochet whose bones could still be required to do time in a Spanish jail.
IshitUnot: Naked
Levitt: Like a True Chicago
Boy, Likes People to Go to Jail so Markets Can Be Free
here. Readers reacted positively to the
inaugural report by the S.H.A.M.E Project on Malcolm Gladwell. S.H.A.M.E. ,
stands for “Shame the Hacks who Abuse Media Ethics.” Its approach is to provide
information about the background and funding sources of well-recognized
journalists and pundits so that the public will be in a better position to recognize bias and hidden agendas in their
reporting and analysis.
second report, on the widely-read economist Steve Levitt, overlaps strongly
with NC’s beat. Note that this dossier format is the one S.H.A.M.E. plans to
use for future releases.
S.H.A.M.E Project
D. Levitt
of #1 Bestseller Freakonomics; Economics Professor at the University of Chicago
one of Time magazine’s “100 People Who
Shape Our World,” Steven Levitt, author of Freakonomics, is generally
assumed to be a harmless, quirky pop economist for trivia nerds. However,
Levitt has a history of attacking
teachers’ unions, advocating for the privatization of prison labor, defending online gambling and occasionally
crossing over the fringe-right line by promoting climate change denialism
and, some have argued, racial eugenics.
A dyed-in-the-wool Milton Friedman
neoliberal from the same “Chicago Boys” network that brought you the “shock doctrine,” Levitt’s idea of
economics Utopia is a world in which “the
market” solves all our problems and government is restricted to protecting
property rights.