that deals once again with the problems that occur
when banks take over an economy. The tendency
for crises is just one problem.
If banks do what they're supposed to, like
recycling savings into worthy manufacturing
or other types of businesses, in order to aid
economic growth, then all would be well.
If , instead, the banks take on the role of
Centres of Advanced Gambling and
Money Printing, they undermine the proper
economy. There is plenty of proof that this
is going on, and I'm not an economist, but take
it for granted, or check my previous stories.
A major reason for my concern is much of
this happened in post -1929 US and
elsewhere, but cooler heads finally prevailed
after about 7 years, laws changed and then the
war took care of the rest. This time, the bankers
are truly in charge, unless we can do something.
I can however, distill the issue with a few
-the FINANCIALISATION tipping point (2007 onward)
This is happening to two countries particularly
today. One is in advanced, past the tipping point
Fin SNAFU- Switzerland
while the UK (the City of London) is starting to
head over the cliff at full speed.
The Swiss and London provide a place to hide
untaxed money, a base for financial crimes
(with no fear of prosecution), providing a great degree of
secrecy directly or through shell companies.
With the rest of the economy faltering, these
countries are stuck relying on their thieving banks
for bribery money (i.e. political contribs),
and some taxation/ employment.
The 2007/08 crash has led to the government
of the UK supporting, or even owning, major
international banks (Let's not even get into
the crimes those banks are committing, without
anybody going to jail). But, suffice it to say that
banks are robbing all UK citizens in many
hidden ways. For example: zero interest means
there's no financial reason to save, pushing people.
into risky investing just to get a few percentage
STORY 1 Bankers Pushing Countries Off a Cliff
Switzerland tried to slow the death of the rest ofits economy by pegging to the Euro. That looked
like a move that would create safety, but then
the Swiss money men smelled that the ECB
would drop the value of the Euro with
Quantitative Easing. Before that happened,
the Swiss pulled the peg, and the Euro dropped
30% vs the Swiss Franc:
Mark O'Byrne
Gold Demand Explodes as Volatility and Fear Stalk Market
Posted on January 20, 2015 by Mark O'Byrne
Gold Demand Explodes as Volatility and Fear Stalk Market
Although the extent to which the surprise move by the Swiss National Bank last week has damaged financial institutions will not be apparent until the end of the month, it is already clear that enormous damage has been wreaked on many businesses exposed to the foreign exchange markets.
On Thursday the SNB unpegged its currency from the euro without warning. The peg was put in place three years ago during the height of the euro crisis to prevent the Swiss franc from rising too much relative to its EU neighbours and damaging its exports.
The shock move caused the Swiss franc to rally almost 30% against the euro and 28% against the dollar. To maintain the peg, the SNB had been forced to accumulate around €500 billion leaving it very vulnerable to a euro devaluation.
It would seem that the move was not coordinated with the ECB or the Fed and may be endemic of a new low phase in global central bank communications. Many times throughout the financial crisis central banks have coordinated efforts to stabilise market volatility and to manage stimulus programs in concert.
The SNB shock announcement seems to have happened in isolation and could mark the start of a far less accommodative stance by national central banks. This is not surprising as with a strong dollar, the U.S. is able to reduce the costs to foreign markets of its goods and services, thereby producing a massive competitive advantage. Now that the euro is going to start debasing itself too, it is natural that the Swiss also abandon a peg which is about to become indefensible. The question “Who next?” will break ranks. Currency wars and related volatility are now in full swing.
According to Bloomberg, Citigroup, the largest currency dealer globally, lost around $150 million on the move. Deutsche bank also lost $150 million and Barclays are reported to have incurred losses of €100 million.
Tavakoli Structured Finance, Inc.
The Financial Report
By Janet Tavakoli
Swiss National Bank and Foreign Exchange: Well Played!
Posted January 16, 2015
The Swiss are being Swiss, meaning the Swiss National Bank (SNB), unlike most other Central Bankers, haven’t completely lost their minds. Yesterday, the Swiss National Bank lifted the cap on the franc versus the euro. In other words, SNB decided it was the right time to stop playing rope a dope.
The market reaction was brutal, punishing the Euro and every foreign exchange and options trader on the wrong side of this trade. Some forex trading firms will go under. Foreign exchange trading desks within banks are, of course, part of ongoing unwilling taxpayer largesse.
Misdirection and a Quick Reversal
Recall that on 30 November 2014, the Swiss National Bank issued this formal press release after the gold referendum was voted down:
STORY 2 Paying banks to lend
Since the crisis, large banks have been paid offfor their crappy gambling debts and we're
being robbed to pay for it.
Well, then, maybe banks could just start
lending to businesses to help the economy
grow? That would be too easy.
Most Quantitative Easing worldwide, as in the
EU, is only designed to get banks to lend money.
This is despite the fact that these crappy private
banks can actually print money of their own.
It's a bank war
BANKS vs The Rest of Us
STORY 3 European Soviet Union
The tendency for banks to be the friends of ourleaders, elected or not (like Druncker and Druncker)
means that our governments need to
control the whole economy so that nothing
implodes and causes the Depression that
the working and middle classes are slowly going through,
to spread and deepen. That is the very definition
of Fascism (forget the racist overtones).
There are two levers for Fascism
1 centralised political power - Merkel
2 centralised financial power- ECB/ Draghi
[they're going to ruin both the Euro and the EU.
it's already their job to make the Euro's value fall
to aid German exports]
Extreme Fascism is the same as extreme
Communism. They use the same levers to control
the economy and the people of a country or Union.
While Communists do it to make the politburo rich,
fascists do it to make themselves and their rich buddies
even richer. That includes their Central Banks
(notice the Centralisation) which
are all private institutions that look after the bailed-out
banks. These Central Bankers meet in Basel regularly
to figure out what to tell their governments to do.
I leave the last word to
Story 4 Gold+man+sacks runs everything BTW
[in German]
This goes way beyond banking. When you see how they
have their (destructive) charges in very key positions,
you'll begin to wonder how that could possibly be by
chance, and there's no chance of banking changing
while those zombies are in their places
[video at 17:00 - your proof]