Tuesday, 29 December 2015

US vs EU, part 2- Greece should take 1 million refugees

That's what Wolfgang Goebbels,
I mean, Schauble (Germany Fin Min) said.

The Reuters story (below) is so full of German
bullshit, I don't know where to start.

The Automatic Earth website says that a
Fin Min should not do politics, but since
the Troika controls Greece, and Schauble
is the true head of the Troika, then it is
ALL Schauble's game.
[transl: Varoufakis- Schauble runs Eurogroup]

Let's give this analysis thing a try-

The 1 million refugees that (will have) landed
on Greece in 2015 should have stayed in
Greece. It's as if Greece invited them.
["don't care for any sex. get me out of feckin Greece!"]

The Schengen rules state that the
country in which a refugee lands
is the place where s/he are to
register. If the refugees were Germans,
then they would have asked to register
right after drying themselves off
after swimming the last 50 metres
to Lesbos.
The last time that we had German
refugees, they were Jews escaping
certain other German politicians and their
genocidal logic. 

It may be that Greece has "welcomed"
1 million refugees when young Greeks
are economic refugees of the Troika,
and have scattered all around the EU and

The pre-existing condition here is the
Troika memorandum neo-liberal colonisation
of Greece. Others of you may have thought
that since Greece is broke that the EU needs
to control the country while extracting their
loans. In actuality, Greece is the scapegoat for
Deutschebank's financial problems, of which
Greece's bad loans are only a small part. But,
the German (and EU) public cannot be told that
they're bailing out Deutschebank. So, Greece is
in lock-down, and nobody cares that it's 25%
drop in GDP and 30% unemployment means
that the loans will never be paid.

While Greeks' government employees' wages
have been dropped 40%+, and pensions have
dropped about 50%, the private sector has been
allowed to tear up any collective bargaining
agreements and pay employees whatever they feel
like, Greece is being subjected to the sale of
public and private assets (like banks) at firesale
prices to foreigners, of course. Any protections that
local companies had are being eradicated at the
beck and call of international (tax-avoiding)

I would say, therefore, that it is odd that the Troika
(i.e. Germany) is taking little notice of Greece's
pain, and yet expects Greece to also be swamped 
by refugees that, by international law, Greece would
be required to care for. [Here, I add that even Greeks,
if they are not working, are not allowed free health care]
This would mean that refugees would have more
rights than the locals.

Greece is now quickly entering the Second World
being dragged on their bare butts.

As we know, the Syrian refugees know very well
that Greece is F%^&*ked. So, they get out of their
dinghies and all they can say is "GERMANY!"

It is therefore the KING of ALL IRONIES that
in its attempt to F%^&*k Greece, the Germans
have been swamped by the 1 million "guests" and
their "organised robotic" systems are at breaking
point [see next story].

Added to this is the fact that Germans are beginning
to understand the state that Greece is in, by saying
that "we would like to send the refugees back, but
Greece is no place for humans to live." So, Germans
are (at the same time) saying that Greece should
register refugees and that Greece is not place for
refugees to live. Stupendous. I guess they don't
teach irony in the schools of the Fatherland.

The next point is that a trip from Greece to Germany
has many intermediate stops. It could be excused that
a poor country let the foreigners slip out of their grasp.
But, the Syrians [bless their soles] were determined
to walk to Germany. In so doing, they passed many
other countries, some of which [Slovenia, Crotia,
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria] are EU countries, that
So, it's not just Greece that f%^&*ed up, but all those
other countries. It's as if all those countries also said
something like "F^&*ck the Germans. They got most
of our money as well," and sent the Syrians on their way.

So, that's one way that the US has shown the cracks in
the EU between countries. The member countries couldn't
give two shits about any other member country, least of
all Germany. This will help splinter the EU faster than
you can say "stickefinger" [German for "middle-finger salute"]

The wise Germanae think that Greece cannot control its
external borders [which just happen to be the EU's external
borders]. Only 3 big problems with that
[beyond the economic ones]:
1 water
2 Turkey
3 EU indifference
4 Greece does not control its Treasury [see Troika]

Number 3- the EU has been advised for years that Turkey
is a threat to the EU in many ways and as such should
pay Greece to beef up its borders, or have a permanent
border force paid for by all EU citizens. EU has always
flatly refused this. [maybe that's why Germany is "taking
charge" of this issue. more below]
Number 2- I hope in later stories to prove conclusively
that Turkey is using the refugees to flood Greece and
the EU, as only one of its tactics. It also endangers
air traffic by sending military planes over the invisible
border which is full of Greek tourist islands and their
airports. Turkey also has a Wester-Thrace political
bribery office in Brussels, even though the Treaty of
Versailles states that Turks have no further claims
on "Turks" within Greece.
Number 1- how can you control a water border? The
Law of the Sea would make most of the Aegean a
Greek lake, but the Turks will not allow this law that
most of the world follows to be employed, under
threat of war. So, Greece can only protect what waters
are Greek, but Turkish refugee smugglers benefit
from the international waters in between them and
Greece. This is why a border force is needed. The
boats don't have papers and are usually without
a captain.
Number 4- Varoufakis showed us clearly that the
Troika [since when, I don't know] has the keys to
the safe at the Greek Treasury. The Troika has
also cancelled Greek laws that are designed for
the benefit of Greeks (silly Greeks). The Troika
approves all new laws, or cancels the ones it
doesn't like. So, Greeks cannot make any serious
changes to their country without Schauble's
approval. So, he's being disingenuous, at best.

I'm worried that the Germans want the EU
(i.e. themselves) to take over Greece's external
borders. I think that this is a creeping imperial
action. The only solution there would be for
the EU to have a backbone and take over this
topic and do something. Not much chance of
that though. So, Germany is now a threat. It
could be a double threat, because it is trying
to keep Turkey sweet to stop the refugee flow.
This could mean that they could "guard"
with their eyes closed, so that Turkey could
be allowed to do anything it wants against
Greece. In this case, Greece's navy [whatever
crap it is] could not react. 

ADMISSION of Greek evil
- I've been hearing that Tsipras is indeed turning
a blind eye to migrant movements and registers
as a bargaining chip with the Troika, to try
to get better terms in the Memorandum. [Fat
F%^&Kin chance of that happening]

ADMISSION of a Good Idea
If the German idea for a common EU army
was truly European, that would limit and
perhaps end NATO's work in the EU. The
US would put a stop to all that talk, very quickly,
truth be told. Indeed, Germany is still occupied
by drunken US soldiers, and so Germany itself
is owned.

Further intrigue:
Germany berates Greece (it's slave) and
wants to "kiss up" with its small Central
European neighbours who have more
experience dealing with the Germans and
are quite prickly as a result. 

More Moronic Islamophobic Implications
Shauble equates migrants with European defence.
In the same sentence! Since migrants, therefore defence.
Something tells me he doesn't like Schwartzers,
especially Muslim ones (and Greek ones).

More Lebensraum
Schauble wants to get involved in the Middle East. Do
you think he'd like to install some peacekeepers? no
Feckin' way. Germany is now helping the French. The French
are always one Charlie or one Kings of Death Metal from
bombing the Mid East. France is also trying to sell armaments
(like UK and US) in the Mid East, and so must put on a show.
So, UN-be-damned. We Europeans have to own the ME. I'm
going to be sick.

check this story of Teutonic ridiculousness below

German politicians slam Greece over handling of refugee crisis


Germany's finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and a senior Bavarian politician criticized Greece on Sunday over the way it is managing its role in Europe's biggest migration crisis since World War Two. [WW2 produced lots of Greek refugees too, thanks to you-guessed-it: Costick 67]

Schaeuble, who has clashed repeatedly with Greek officials this year over economic policy, told Bild am Sonntag that Athens has for years ignored the rules that oblige migrants to file for asylum in the European Union country they arrive in first.

He said German courts had decided some time ago that refugees were not being treated humanely in Greece and could therefore not be sent back there.

"The Greeks should not put the blame for their problems only on others, they should also see how they can do better themselves," Schaeuble said.

Greece, a main gateway to Europe for migrants crossing the Aegean sea, has faced criticism from other EU governments who say it has done little to manage the flow of hundreds of thousands of people arriving on its shores.

Joachim Herrmann, the interior minister of the southern state of Bavaria, that has taken the brunt of the refugee influx to Germany, criticized the way Greece is securing its external borders.

"What Greece is doing is a farce," Herrmann said in an interview with Die Welt am Sonntag newspaper, adding any that any country that does not meet its obligations to secure its external borders should leave the Schengen zone, where internal border controls have been abolished.

The EU's border agency Frontex has agreed to increase its presence in Greece at the end of the month, while European guards will help Greeks manage their frontier with Macedonia following concern over Athens' commitment to controlling migration.

Herrmann said it was also important to secure the border with Slovenia so that all people entering the Schengen zone from Croatia could be properly registered and potential terrorists spotted.

"If this is not guaranteed within a few weeks, we will have to become active on our own borders," he said.


In contrast to his criticism of Greece, Schaeuble sought to offer to compromise with eastern European countries that have voiced reluctance to accept migrants under EU quotas.

"Solidarity doesn't start by insulting each other," Schaeuble said. "Eastern European states will also have to take in refugees, but fewer than Germany."

The influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants, many fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, also means that European countries will have to increase spending on defense, he said.

"Ultimately our aim must be a joint European army. The funds that we spend on our 28 national armies could be used far more effectively together," Schaeuble said.

Schaeuble said the Middle East would not become stable without stronger European engagement.

Germany has gradually adopted a more assertive role in global missions. Earlier this month, lawmakers approved a mission in Syria, including sending six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to help protect a French aircraft carrier, refueling aircraft and 1,200 military personnel.

(Reporting by Caroline Copley; Editing by Andrew Bolton)