This is a set of theories I'm working on,
having watched the Syria crisis develop.
I will try to show that the US and its
acolytes (who have some of their own goals)
are attacking the EU and parts within it.
I will do my best to prove every step of
the thought process, with some detours along
the way, in successive stories.
the OUTLINE goes like this:
A US UK Turkey vs the rest of the EU
US position
-world empire needs to spread
-Euro is a threat to the dollar
-can usually get short-sighted idiot
countries to follow it into war
-wants Kurdish oil
UK position
-hates a federal Europe
-wants to protect its thieving banks
-wants to sell arms to the Mid East
Turkey position
-knows it will never get in the EU
-wants to think it is a regional power
-one funder of the "I-State"
-buys I-State oil
-has a serious problem balancing
national pride with the Kurdish issue
-has a trigger-happy army
-risks losing Kurdish areas if war spreads
-wants its Turkmen cousins in Syria to gain
-fears the US may want to build a Kurdistan
The EU/Brussels/Germany/ECB/Deutschebank position
-a useless union built by imperial French and Germans
-on top of a mercantilist steal/coal cartel
-no intention of being democratic
-run from Brussels, unless Germany has a point
to make
-political decision to have Euro was fatal mistake
-ineffective internal and external politics because
of a power vacuum.
-Federalising may interest the imperialists but
not many of the small countries
-it is in the process of a crypto-federalisation
around Germany's interests (Euro)
-does not realise that it is already disintegrating
-hates Yanis Varoufakis
A The Whole Shooting Match
-the US wants to help destroy the EU
through forcing it through crises.
1 banking : Deutschebank owes US UK banks
2 refugees: below
3 currency: Euro was a disaster waiting to happen
B US pushed for regime change after fall
of Soviet Union
-includes Syria (Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan)
-pushed for regime change from 1990s
-funding various parts of civil war
-bombing Syria (with UK)
-Turkey gov has been caught giving arms
to rebels in Syria
C US UK (with Turkey's help) want to
swamp EU with (Muslim) refugees
-from all their invasions (see above)
-others like Saudi are funding parts of this
-Turkey controls the flow to Greece
(and wants to particularly flood Greece)
-this will start EU nationalist economic/racial turmoil
-notice how US empire suffers no turmoil (just
the continental EU)
D Refugees land in Greece and head north
-they want to go to Germany, Sweden, Holland
-Germany wants Greece to take all 1 million
refugees because of Schengen treaty
("refugees register were they land")
-Germany is essentially Greece's
slave master (has bankrupted Greece to
save Deutschebank)
-therefore, refugees do not want to stay in
Greece, (but ironically want to go to German)
and refuse to register in Greece
-this forces the turmoil to the north (while it
seems the Germans wanted to make Greece suffer the
entire flood by itself)
-Greece is feeding and housing refugees and
not complaining about them leaving
-this will destroy EU Schengen (open borders) treaty
E the longer and deeper the war, the more
permanent the refugees become
-nominally Christian nations will need to
show how Christian they are by helping
the refugees
-Christian countries will need to stamp out
-many nations (Slovakia, Czech Rep, Poland,
Hungary) are refusing to take or are limiting
refugees. There is no EU law which can stop
them doing so. Therefore, EU states will squabble.
F Weak EU will not be able to stop the squabbling
-the EU does not want to intervene in refugee crisis
-this will pit one EU nation against another
-in the context of the Euro, this may splinter
the EU and kill the Euro
G EU will be ruined
- it may take a few years, but I hope to be
around for that
Parallel issues
- De-centralised Iraq means Kurds have oil
-US wants to control Kurdish oil
-US may give Kurds (Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syria)
more autonomy
-Turkey, without doing anything, is treading a
fine line between helping US, Saudi and losing
the Eastern 25% of its country to the Kurds.
Unfortunately, Turkey is deeply into the Syria
-US wants to create a permanent Islamic Civil
War. This is easy since the Sunni governments
have most of the oil (Saudi, Emirates). US
benefits from arms sales and controls the
whole region
-Russia has become involved in a plainly legal manner,
defending the government of Syria, by request
-This could ruin all US empire's plans
-The likelihood of World War goes up exponentially
So, what I have built here is a massive 5-layer
chessboard, with the game already under way
The next stories will fill out my theories as stated above.