labour's Jack Straw will go down in history for his decision to keep the Iraq invasion discussion in cabinet secret for another 30 years.
I can understand the need for secrecy in sensitive matters. However, Iraq is not , or was not, a politically-sensitive area. The only vested interests Britain and British companies had in Iraq was the purchase, transport and sale of oil. So, what is Straw trying to hide?
Does he not want us to know that cabinet had decided, as Crash Gordon admitted in an Alzheimer moment, that the British economy was benefitting from the Iraq slaughter?
So, will he and his colleagues look bloodthirsty and greedy if the minutes are revealed?
I can draw no other conclusions.
And since we don't have the minutes, then it is our duty as democrats to question authority and decide how politicians, our representatives, will be judged, based on the available facts. They are hiding the facts because it will make them look even worse than conjecture would.
Hello, the Hague? Put me through to the tribunal.
Have I got war-crimes suspects for YOU!
The opposition's conspiracy of silence is quite laughable as well. Especially since Labour outed the Conservatives by releasing cabinet minutes of other sensitive meetings. Now, the Tories have fallen into line as they also do not care about the senseless slaughter of innocent people. Their election chances are likely to blame for this. You see, they too will take similar opportunities after they win the next election.
UPDATE: We'll be getting a whitewash, I mean, an inquiry into Iraq, in 2000-never, which will, in any case, exonerate Tony Blair and will not even say that Britain broke international law in order to rob Iraq of its oil and oil revenues, with the Americans, and keep it permanently under their control, while snooping over the border, into Iran. So, what's the big secret?
-Costick67 (8^P
Friday, 27 February 2009
Saturday, 21 February 2009
UPDATE on Beelzebub's New York paper

Also see the article just below this one to find out who Beelzebub is.
What a coincidence to see that his newspaper (i.e. the sh*t-wad) has 'hit the fan'!
The New York Post has just printed a racist cartoon whose intended victim was the very President of the US. It doesn't even bear explaining. It would have caused concern 50 years ago, let alone today. You'll see here some photos from the protest, including one of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.

Friday, 13 February 2009
Three Irishmen of the Apocalypse
Dere's tree of dem, Satan's little helpers.
They threaten violence on national tv in the US without punishment, they are frothing at the mouth and full of vitriol aimed towards anyone who stands in their way. They are all employed by the man who controls the written word (as it is found on those ancient parchment, fish-wrapper things) the world over, Rupert Beelzebub Murdoch. Gidday, Satan.
For Biblical scholars: Instead of being horsemen, they're actually horse's arses.
They go by the names of : Hannity, O'Reilly and Lynch

[from foxnews(coff,coff).com, flaired and blanched]

These two, as prohesied by the Bible, will spread
AND LASTLY, there's Lynch (their fan club), otherwise known as 'that other white Mob'. They're some of the biggest racists who just discovered that while they were on the couch watching
numb.1 (numb-skull) &
numb.2 (numb-nuts),
their country was stolen from them by some scrawny Hawaiian and they want it back, grrrrrr.

p.s. I'm sick of hearing about these flatulent bastards.
They threaten violence on national tv in the US without punishment, they are frothing at the mouth and full of vitriol aimed towards anyone who stands in their way. They are all employed by the man who controls the written word (as it is found on those ancient parchment, fish-wrapper things) the world over, Rupert Beelzebub Murdoch. Gidday, Satan.
For Biblical scholars: Instead of being horsemen, they're actually horse's arses.
They go by the names of : Hannity, O'Reilly and Lynch

[from foxnews(coff,coff).com, flaired and blanched]

These two, as prohesied by the Bible, will spread
confusion, chaos and disinformation
around the world through
the tv waves and the internet.
they hide behind the words
"news channel"
and spread lies.
Worse yet, they are fomenting rebellion
in the ranks
of the right-wing fringe.
For example, O'Reilly was defaming an abortionist, Dr. Tiller, on his program regularly. Then, what a surprise, a pro-"lifer" shoots Tiller dead, IN HIS church. Sacrilege. [digression- I wonder how that doctor squared his faith with his job.]
Another example, ever since Obama took power, the words revolution and freedom have never been far from Hannity's pie hole. What if these are KEY words for the sleeper cells of white supremacy, KKK or militia types. We're talking about a country with a lot of guns. BLOODSHED may come to our streets.
AND LASTLY, there's Lynch (their fan club), otherwise known as 'that other white Mob'. They're some of the biggest racists who just discovered that while they were on the couch watching
numb.1 (numb-skull) &
numb.2 (numb-nuts),
their country was stolen from them by some scrawny Hawaiian and they want it back, grrrrrr.

p.s. I'm sick of hearing about these flatulent bastards.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
political circle-jerk merry-go-round
This is an UPDATE of the Keystone stories.
When we last met, Boris (w/o Natasha) was being accused of talking to the police chief and warning his colleagues that the police were on their way to sniff around a Conservative MP's office in Westminster.
So, Boris is being continuously (5 times) hauled in front of the Home Affairs committee where he is telling them one thing and then telling the media another thing about when he called his political 'boss' and fraternity brother Cameron. So, he checked his phone records and came up with 13:59, or 20 minutes after the bust had started.
first problem:
Okay, so he didn't tip off the guy so the MP could 'do an Enron' with his files. So, let Boris go home, or go 'castle'.
second problem:
In a proper democracy, Boris wouldn't have had 'access' to the police chief, and especially not access to information about sensitive cases which are underway.
third problem:
If this was a serious crime (mishandling secret police info), and Boris needed an alibi, then (for lack of a better option) call in the police, not the Home Affairs committee of parliament. That's a kangaroo court with chief kangaroo Keith Vaz who has been insulting Boris in the media for being 'economical with the truth'. What a joke!
fourth problem:
If this was not a crime, then the Home Affairs committee is designed to check up on, and embarrass the civic government of London, meaning that we are in the middle of a banana republic. The feds should not be allowed to check up on civic government, unless control-freakery has suddenly become a legitimate modus operandi.
fifth problem:
This whole issue is expertly being used to distract from the fact that the police raid on parliament was an attack on democracy. That fact has been completely ignored, just as I had foreseen in the first installment.
When we last met, Boris (w/o Natasha) was being accused of talking to the police chief and warning his colleagues that the police were on their way to sniff around a Conservative MP's office in Westminster.
So, Boris is being continuously (5 times) hauled in front of the Home Affairs committee where he is telling them one thing and then telling the media another thing about when he called his political 'boss' and fraternity brother Cameron. So, he checked his phone records and came up with 13:59, or 20 minutes after the bust had started.
first problem:
Okay, so he didn't tip off the guy so the MP could 'do an Enron' with his files. So, let Boris go home, or go 'castle'.
second problem:
In a proper democracy, Boris wouldn't have had 'access' to the police chief, and especially not access to information about sensitive cases which are underway.
third problem:
If this was a serious crime (mishandling secret police info), and Boris needed an alibi, then (for lack of a better option) call in the police, not the Home Affairs committee of parliament. That's a kangaroo court with chief kangaroo Keith Vaz who has been insulting Boris in the media for being 'economical with the truth'. What a joke!
fourth problem:
If this was not a crime, then the Home Affairs committee is designed to check up on, and embarrass the civic government of London, meaning that we are in the middle of a banana republic. The feds should not be allowed to check up on civic government, unless control-freakery has suddenly become a legitimate modus operandi.
fifth problem:
This whole issue is expertly being used to distract from the fact that the police raid on parliament was an attack on democracy. That fact has been completely ignored, just as I had foreseen in the first installment.
banks fail; free houses for everybody
Am I the first one to foresee complete economic freedom with the demise of the banks? If the banks can't collect their loans, then our mortgaged homes will become ours, free & clear.
The government doesn't want to see it happen. It smacks of hippy-type freedom. People would stop working and begin enjoying life for the first time. Tax revenue would cease coming in. Bureaucrats would likely just crap themselves from the fear of losing their former jobs, abusing, controlling and tracking innocent people.
As it is now, we've mortgaged our futures and those of our children to pay off the banks' gambling loans. Screw 'em. I too can go to Vegas, but I wouldn't have bet the whole house 30 times over, like our bankers did [I say 'our' because they're public empl.s now]. And they have the balls to do credit checks on and reject loan applications from the hard-working public. Check yourselves! That's your actual line of work. LENDING MONEY! Cravates tied too tight, me thinks.
As you can see, I've got the wife manning the barricades at our new hacienda. Bankers will be shot on sight.
The government doesn't want to see it happen. It smacks of hippy-type freedom. People would stop working and begin enjoying life for the first time. Tax revenue would cease coming in. Bureaucrats would likely just crap themselves from the fear of losing their former jobs, abusing, controlling and tracking innocent people.
As it is now, we've mortgaged our futures and those of our children to pay off the banks' gambling loans. Screw 'em. I too can go to Vegas, but I wouldn't have bet the whole house 30 times over, like our bankers did [I say 'our' because they're public empl.s now]. And they have the balls to do credit checks on and reject loan applications from the hard-working public. Check yourselves! That's your actual line of work. LENDING MONEY! Cravates tied too tight, me thinks.
As you can see, I've got the wife manning the barricades at our new hacienda. Bankers will be shot on sight.

Sunday, 8 February 2009
crazy bankers and their employees' bonuses

Here's a view about the banks that few will have mentioned.
While people have, with their hearts in the right place, sought to stop all those bankers from receiving their bonuses, I have a couple of things to say. In theory I agree with everyone else. Those guys are rich enough; all of them.
problem one:
The lower level bank workers, particularly, are on contracts. These contracts have bonus clauses. I would hate to take away any workers' rights IN THIS WAY. If these contracts are changed, then it's open to negotiation. Workers are usually screwed in this country, so I see the low-level bankers as workers first, and royal ones too. More power to them.
problem two:
The lower level bank workers were working within a system designed by their upper bosses and Crash Gordon Brown. If the economy went tits-up, it's not the workers' fault, so our jealousy should be parked. If they had the brains to foresee the crisis, then logic would have them being the bosses, not the workers. And the bosses WERE idiots. Most of them had 30:1 ratio of debt to capital. Even I know that's stupid.
I wonder what laws could be created for the government to actually recind executive pay bonuses for our 'public banks'.
Also, if Crash Gordon gave the banks the ability to play fast and loose with all our money and, frankly, with the laws or nature and Cartesian reality, then
Take his pay away.
What Obama is doing, bless him, is controlling those stupid bosses by limiting their pay to 500K bucks, or 2 pounds 95. If he could have put Greenspan and Bush43 in jail, it seems like he would have tried. But let's just focus on cleaning up this mess, in the right way.
Leave the 'workers' alone, for now.
Paul Moore at HBOS bank group had warned the executives of their overstretched finances and he was eventually fired for raining on the parade. In fact, he was fired by James Crosbie, the guy who was chosen by Crash Gordon to run the FSA and OVERSEE the BANKS! The guy just quit today. Best move he's ever made. Maybe, or so he thinks, he will not be charged or sued for his stupidity at HBOS.
neo-Britain is snowed under by conservative ideology
The snowstorms have caused the Brits to return to their favourite passtime, navel-gazing. Back in the old days, snow never stopped life from going on. "We just managed to keep going." [e.g. 1947, 1963] So, in the media, some smart-arses have put forward the theory that the neo-Brits are lazy. Please flagelate yourselves NOW!
Whose job is it to clean the roads?
The public services of the nation, town councils, etc.
What has happened since 1963? Thatcher.
She started to pare back government.
Who started squeezing town councils politically and financially from the moment he gave them political life and a budget? Bliar.
Now, councils have had no choice but to cut back on road-clearing. They're broke.
On the societal front, it is Thatcher's greed and selfishness maxim that has caused everyone to know their rights but none, their obligations.
Nobody just pitches in anymore for fear that they may end up being sued.
Geoff Hoon, the perfect Bliarite, is adding insult to injury. He's essentially saying that people should not complain about this situation.
How can people not complain?
Their bosses are seeking retribution for the ILLEGAL day-off.
BUT, whose fault is it that the workers couldn't get to work?
Hoon and neo-tory Labour.
Whose job is it to clean the roads?
The public services of the nation, town councils, etc.
What has happened since 1963? Thatcher.
She started to pare back government.
Who started squeezing town councils politically and financially from the moment he gave them political life and a budget? Bliar.
Now, councils have had no choice but to cut back on road-clearing. They're broke.
On the societal front, it is Thatcher's greed and selfishness maxim that has caused everyone to know their rights but none, their obligations.
Nobody just pitches in anymore for fear that they may end up being sued.
Geoff Hoon, the perfect Bliarite, is adding insult to injury. He's essentially saying that people should not complain about this situation.
How can people not complain?
Their bosses are seeking retribution for the ILLEGAL day-off.
BUT, whose fault is it that the workers couldn't get to work?
Hoon and neo-tory Labour.
why the BNP's members should not teach
On Nick Campbell's show this morning on the BEEB, the topic was the BNP's right to free speech and the problem that causes in public service and particularly education. His show always has good open discussions, unlike Dimplebutt's grandiose subterfuge Question Time.
One thing was unfortunately not raised as an issue and I've just thought of it.
What if you are a minority child [it's taken for granted that you've been insulted because of who you are] and you find out that your teacher is a BNP member.
Remember, this is a temporary but regular guardianship (in loco parentis), so teachers are obliged to take care of all children.
What is a child to do?
Can s/he change class? NO.
Can s/he avoid being scared of that person and what they'll say or do to him/her, or how they will mess up his/her school career?
It's enough to make an 8 year-old pick up smoking.
One thing was unfortunately not raised as an issue and I've just thought of it.
What if you are a minority child [it's taken for granted that you've been insulted because of who you are] and you find out that your teacher is a BNP member.
Remember, this is a temporary but regular guardianship (in loco parentis), so teachers are obliged to take care of all children.
What is a child to do?
Can s/he change class? NO.
Can s/he avoid being scared of that person and what they'll say or do to him/her, or how they will mess up his/her school career?
It's enough to make an 8 year-old pick up smoking.
British politicians for British voting working workers

It's really nice that all the political parties SAY that they're supporting British workers. It makes you want to hug.....what is essentially a political opportunist.
The reality of this situation is that Thatcher started dismantling the legal structure which gave unions the right to represent the worker, at work AND in parliament. Since neo-tory Labour has continued this trend, the workers have no voice ANYWHERE.
The Euro-workers are not the problem. The problem is that employers can pay whatever SH*T salary they think they can get away with. So, Greeks and Portuguese and some Italians can live on less pay, so bring them in to break the back of the British worker, if you have no morals and no unions to tell you the time of day. So, they are trying to get the British worker to accept less pay, when they have a higher cost of living.
LOOK AT THE OLYMPIC SITE. IT'S ONLY NOW COME OUT THAT IT'S GOT MORE FOREIGN WORKERS THAN BRITS, because they'll accept lower pay. This is Britain's flagship worksite, 2 miles from the City, and its labour mix looks pretty familiar.
Let's forget for now how the government turns a blind-eye to the tens of thousands of ILLEGAL workers hidden in illegal factories and distant farms. That's how Brown has kept wages down;
The Mafia would be proud.
While the cost of living went up, workers became poorer; and, their bosses richer. The fact that bosses are screwing British workers now is taken for granted, at least by this observer. It's obvious.
I suppose the recession is going to get more workers off the political fence and perhaps then they'll start fighting for their rights. They've only now started timidly complaining about the Olympic site.
Get the unions back. Use them to enforce EU labour laws, especially the ones that are union-friendly; the ones Britain's LABOUR party opts out of all the time.
[Update: G Monbiot at the Guardian says that the major unions are all sell-outs. Who am I to doubt that?]
Here's what to do:
Set minimum pay for certain jobs and then the bosses have no reason to bring in foreigners.
Find the illegal factories and farms, and force the government (to apply the law and) to close them and jail the owners.
It's that easy.
Go on!
Do it! I can't do everything for you.
BTW I'm a member of the UCU and it's doing good work. Look it up.
Brown is "idiot", NIX the 'one-eyed' comment
When Jeremy Clarkson talks politics, that's when journalists listen. Praise the Lord. Clarkson is an important political theorist who cuts to the quick. He is such a media manipulator. The fact that he called Crash Gordon 'one-eyed' somehow managed to enflame the politically-correct and the blind charities.
I wouldn't have foreseen that because the insult is elsewhere, but everyone knows their rights these days. But, that's why Clarkson is so brilliant.
His (partial) retraction also attracted further attention. Unfortunately, it concentrated our ire on the denigration of the handicapped, causing us to forget completely the denigration of IDIOT POLITICIANS which is a good thing.
The Sun, that socialist rag, wasn't fooled. They were the only ones to pick up the fact that 'IDIOT' was not retracted as it was the appropriate adjective. Are the other media outlets trying to cover that one up? The Sun won't let you, ya bootlicks!
Look, you can still play sports with one eye.
I wouldn't have foreseen that because the insult is elsewhere, but everyone knows their rights these days. But, that's why Clarkson is so brilliant.
His (partial) retraction also attracted further attention. Unfortunately, it concentrated our ire on the denigration of the handicapped, causing us to forget completely the denigration of IDIOT POLITICIANS which is a good thing.
The Sun, that socialist rag, wasn't fooled. They were the only ones to pick up the fact that 'IDIOT' was not retracted as it was the appropriate adjective. Are the other media outlets trying to cover that one up? The Sun won't let you, ya bootlicks!
Look, you can still play sports with one eye.

Friday, 6 February 2009
Robin Hoods Kieber and Leeson vs the system
Our news is full of stories where rich people and their employees in the cabinet (close the door, it's cold) rip off the working people.
Here are two stories about men who turned the tables on the secretive world of bankers, hedgers, royalty and politicians (the ones holding the tray).
Here are two stories of how two common men caused rich folk to lose a lot of money, for a change. We can make Richie pay his taxes when he tries to stuff his cash in tax havens. We can wreck his companies without wrecking the economy. It's great!
They should be folk heroes.
Two men who stood up against the system which enriches only the rich. They took great risks to life and freedom in order to send a message to the Man about how fragile his system is.
Nick Leeson brought down Lloyds Bank in the 90s.

Kieber gave out secret information from the LGt bank in the tax haven that is Leichtenstein. He pissed off some serious people, so there's a bounty out on his head.
These guys didn't just roll over like our journalists. They were crusaders for the common loser who has to wait for a paycheck from some greedy bastard.
Here are two stories about men who turned the tables on the secretive world of bankers, hedgers, royalty and politicians (the ones holding the tray).
Here are two stories of how two common men caused rich folk to lose a lot of money, for a change. We can make Richie pay his taxes when he tries to stuff his cash in tax havens. We can wreck his companies without wrecking the economy. It's great!
They should be folk heroes.
Two men who stood up against the system which enriches only the rich. They took great risks to life and freedom in order to send a message to the Man about how fragile his system is.
Nick Leeson brought down Lloyds Bank in the 90s.

Kieber gave out secret information from the LGt bank in the tax haven that is Leichtenstein. He pissed off some serious people, so there's a bounty out on his head.
These guys didn't just roll over like our journalists. They were crusaders for the common loser who has to wait for a paycheck from some greedy bastard.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
boomers get their comeuppance
Baby boomers (born between 1945 & 1966) have had everything going for them. They changed popular culture. They smoked drugs and cheap tobacco and screwed with reckless abandon. When they sobered up, they took all the good jobs. What have they left the younger among us? Bills.
Well, there's no use being jealous, especially after you read what's below.

I was watching a 'sad' story on ABC (US) about how average folks entering retirement didn't any longer have their stock portfolios to rely on. The fact that the banks lost them is not mentioned. Nevertheless, these people after 4 decades of work needed some help from carers. So, what did they do? They moved to Mexico so that they could afford to live like humans. La vida buena.
So, I thought, the boomers are hitting retirement. How interesting that the cupboards are bare RIGHT NOW!
While the boomers have been thinking only about their needs, some wise guys in the merchant banks and hedge fund offices have been busy prying open the lock-boxes which hold the boomers' retirement nest egg; their private pensions and investments.
Why do you think that it's all come crashing down now?
NOW is the time for those selfish boomers to start cashing in their savings.
'What do we do, now?' say the bankers 'they want their money.'
'Tell them it's all gone,' say the Gods of money.
How do you think those traders all had so much cash for so long? They were siphoning off the bucks raised by workers in the real economy over the last 60 years. ALL of it!
What are boomers left with? Shitty government pensions, paid for by their grandchildren's work, i.e. on loan, because governments are all under a heinous pile of debt.

'Thanks, grandkids' you can hear the boomers say.
Feel like you've been cheated?

What do I care? I know that I won't have enough money for a private pension. If our children are going to pay for THIS mess, what does that mean for us, the young parents? A life of abject slavery, living hand to mouth, putting cash into mattresses?
As always, Blondie has the answer: Die Young
Well, there's no use being jealous, especially after you read what's below.

I was watching a 'sad' story on ABC (US) about how average folks entering retirement didn't any longer have their stock portfolios to rely on. The fact that the banks lost them is not mentioned. Nevertheless, these people after 4 decades of work needed some help from carers. So, what did they do? They moved to Mexico so that they could afford to live like humans. La vida buena.
So, I thought, the boomers are hitting retirement. How interesting that the cupboards are bare RIGHT NOW!
While the boomers have been thinking only about their needs, some wise guys in the merchant banks and hedge fund offices have been busy prying open the lock-boxes which hold the boomers' retirement nest egg; their private pensions and investments.
Why do you think that it's all come crashing down now?
NOW is the time for those selfish boomers to start cashing in their savings.
'What do we do, now?' say the bankers 'they want their money.'
'Tell them it's all gone,' say the Gods of money.
How do you think those traders all had so much cash for so long? They were siphoning off the bucks raised by workers in the real economy over the last 60 years. ALL of it!
What are boomers left with? Shitty government pensions, paid for by their grandchildren's work, i.e. on loan, because governments are all under a heinous pile of debt.

'Thanks, grandkids' you can hear the boomers say.
Feel like you've been cheated?

What do I care? I know that I won't have enough money for a private pension. If our children are going to pay for THIS mess, what does that mean for us, the young parents? A life of abject slavery, living hand to mouth, putting cash into mattresses?
As always, Blondie has the answer: Die Young
Monday, 2 February 2009
how to get people killing for us again

Governments around the developed world have been asking this question ever more, lately.
a short history lesson (pics to come soon)
We humans are little more than glorified animals, and fratricidal too. Back in the old days, people were told to go kill other people because they were of a different religion. That's the basis of the crusades (8th to 13th centruries), and the war in Iraq.
We developed our critical faculties and found our way out of following priests into war but then we began to think of ourselves as nations and countries and so our rich politicians, 'democrats' and non, told us to go kill somebody because.. well, just because. Usually, the untold story was that they had economic differences with their enemies. You know, gold, oil (see Iraq & Afghanistan) territory, colonial control of Africa. That concept maxed out after the world wars and fell into the background over the last decades.
Children are taught not to fight, spit, swear, be sexist, beat up queers etc.
With arguments like that, our parents, and education system have tried to make their rabid hormone-addled teenagers become a peace-loving part of society, with the threat of jail if they screw up. We follow the legal & moral codes of a sane, liberal society. We are sane and liberal, but our UK government ministers aren't. They dunk their employees in the same sh*t; it's a satanic baptism. If you decide to collect your paycheck from the Ministry/Department of Defense, all the rules governing your behaviour change.
If you are in the US or UK army, it cannot be any clearer that you are the bagmen for your upper classes' desire to become richer. You're fighting and dying so as to fill their bank accounts. That's almost excusable, if you're poor or an idiot.
The problem is they put you in harms way, forcing you to kill innocent people. There's upwards of a million killed in Iraq, most of them civilians.
Frankly, you're also a political tool designed to keep Arabs and Muslims down. How does that jibe with the rules taught to us by our parents and society? It's pretty freakin hypocritical, if you ask me. Soldiers have no morals.
Today, there are lots of people who are peace-loving and who would never kill anybody. They are the coolest people alive. There's no war, so, they are not conscientious objectors. The C.O.s from the world wars were very brave people; people who believed in ideals and people who probably knew that their government was as guilty as the other side.
It's never been clearer than today with the US and UK. Both have soldiers revolting and hiding to avoid another tour.
You could say, in realpolitik, that a country needs soldiers to promote its interests and having no presence in the world welcomes attack. I don't believe that. We've got spies for killing and looking after that bullsh*t. Soldiers are for total control and intimidation.
Costick67 may be brilliant...really!
Me thinks that I've cracked the case of the Keystone Cops in Parliament (see Keystone). It's a copycat crime against free speech. Once again the US has shown Britain the way.
A story from MSNBC (video later) about whistle-blowers inside and outside the government being silenced by the spies. James Risen, a newspaper journalist (NYTimes) who broke stories about the NSA spying on anybody and everybody, proves that he too has been spied on for no other reason except that he broke this story.
This story saw the light of day a few months ago which makes the Keystone story (see below) a direct copy, cut to British standards. So, being spied on and having your office raided are fascist tactics designed by governments to make dissidents defecate in their short pants.
So, it seems that I was right. Of course, no newspapers even tried to corroborate my story because they're embedded/spooning with the government saying "Pass the sleeping pills and a condom." Of course, they said it was illegal. D-uh. But, they didn't protest, or ask the daring questions, like "Are you running a police state, Sir Lord?"
Let's hear it for the blogs!
A story from MSNBC (video later) about whistle-blowers inside and outside the government being silenced by the spies. James Risen, a newspaper journalist (NYTimes) who broke stories about the NSA spying on anybody and everybody, proves that he too has been spied on for no other reason except that he broke this story.
This story saw the light of day a few months ago which makes the Keystone story (see below) a direct copy, cut to British standards. So, being spied on and having your office raided are fascist tactics designed by governments to make dissidents defecate in their short pants.
So, it seems that I was right. Of course, no newspapers even tried to corroborate my story because they're embedded/spooning with the government saying "Pass the sleeping pills and a condom." Of course, they said it was illegal. D-uh. But, they didn't protest, or ask the daring questions, like "Are you running a police state, Sir Lord?"
Let's hear it for the blogs!
Sunday, 1 February 2009
financial crisis is opportunity for army to recruit
I wonder if a government, one that knows that even some of their stupiddest soldiers are sick of killing innocent people, would use the financial problems of many otherwise reasonable people to their advantage?
Let's say there's, oooh... an extra million people out of work because of Crash Gordon's stewardship of the economy.
Okay then! Let's get those people lined up for the army.
Of course, those poor bastards who sign up probably have been ignoring the media stories of how soldiers are dying more from mistakes and bad equipment than from the Taliban or Iranian boogeymen.
I can imagine the truthing-style commercial:
So, got debts. (that's not a question)
How do like your life, democratic freedoms, booze and easy women?
Sign here:

or here:
Let's say there's, oooh... an extra million people out of work because of Crash Gordon's stewardship of the economy.
Okay then! Let's get those people lined up for the army.
Of course, those poor bastards who sign up probably have been ignoring the media stories of how soldiers are dying more from mistakes and bad equipment than from the Taliban or Iranian boogeymen.
I can imagine the truthing-style commercial:
So, got debts. (that's not a question)
WELL! Our way of life is under threat from a band of bearded zealots in Afghanistan!
Weak pound and recession cutting into your travel budget?Feeling less manly now that you don't have a job?
OKAY! Try exporting democracy out the barrel of a gun. Kill innocent civilians. Get a good stiffy!Have WE got sun and deserts for YOU!
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