Sunday, 8 February 2009

Brown is "idiot", NIX the 'one-eyed' comment

When Jeremy Clarkson talks politics, that's when journalists listen. Praise the Lord. Clarkson is an important political theorist who cuts to the quick. He is such a media manipulator. The fact that he called Crash Gordon 'one-eyed' somehow managed to enflame the politically-correct and the blind charities.
I wouldn't have foreseen that because the insult is elsewhere, but everyone knows their rights these days. But, that's why Clarkson is so brilliant.
His (partial) retraction also attracted further attention. Unfortunately, it concentrated our ire on the denigration of the handicapped, causing us to forget completely the denigration of IDIOT POLITICIANS which is a good thing.
The Sun, that socialist rag, wasn't fooled. They were the only ones to pick up the fact that 'IDIOT' was not retracted as it was the appropriate adjective. Are the other media outlets trying to cover that one up? The Sun won't let you, ya bootlicks!
Look, you can still play sports with one eye.