They threaten violence on national tv in the US without punishment, they are frothing at the mouth and full of vitriol aimed towards anyone who stands in their way. They are all employed by the man who controls the written word (as it is found on those ancient parchment, fish-wrapper things) the world over, Rupert Beelzebub Murdoch. Gidday, Satan.
For Biblical scholars: Instead of being horsemen, they're actually horse's arses.
They go by the names of : Hannity, O'Reilly and Lynch

[from foxnews(coff,coff).com, flaired and blanched]

These two, as prohesied by the Bible, will spread
confusion, chaos and disinformation
around the world through
the tv waves and the internet.
they hide behind the words
"news channel"
and spread lies.
Worse yet, they are fomenting rebellion
in the ranks
of the right-wing fringe.
For example, O'Reilly was defaming an abortionist, Dr. Tiller, on his program regularly. Then, what a surprise, a pro-"lifer" shoots Tiller dead, IN HIS church. Sacrilege. [digression- I wonder how that doctor squared his faith with his job.]
Another example, ever since Obama took power, the words revolution and freedom have never been far from Hannity's pie hole. What if these are KEY words for the sleeper cells of white supremacy, KKK or militia types. We're talking about a country with a lot of guns. BLOODSHED may come to our streets.
AND LASTLY, there's Lynch (their fan club), otherwise known as 'that other white Mob'. They're some of the biggest racists who just discovered that while they were on the couch watching
numb.1 (numb-skull) &
numb.2 (numb-nuts),
their country was stolen from them by some scrawny Hawaiian and they want it back, grrrrrr.

p.s. I'm sick of hearing about these flatulent bastards.