Here are two stories about men who turned the tables on the secretive world of bankers, hedgers, royalty and politicians (the ones holding the tray).
Here are two stories of how two common men caused rich folk to lose a lot of money, for a change. We can make Richie pay his taxes when he tries to stuff his cash in tax havens. We can wreck his companies without wrecking the economy. It's great!
They should be folk heroes.
Two men who stood up against the system which enriches only the rich. They took great risks to life and freedom in order to send a message to the Man about how fragile his system is.
Nick Leeson brought down Lloyds Bank in the 90s.

Kieber gave out secret information from the LGt bank in the tax haven that is Leichtenstein. He pissed off some serious people, so there's a bounty out on his head.
These guys didn't just roll over like our journalists. They were crusaders for the common loser who has to wait for a paycheck from some greedy bastard.