Sunday, 8 February 2009

neo-Britain is snowed under by conservative ideology

The snowstorms have caused the Brits to return to their favourite passtime, navel-gazing. Back in the old days, snow never stopped life from going on. "We just managed to keep going." [e.g. 1947, 1963] So, in the media, some smart-arses have put forward the theory that the neo-Brits are lazy. Please flagelate yourselves NOW!
Whose job is it to clean the roads?
The public services of the nation, town councils, etc.
What has happened since 1963? Thatcher.
She started to pare back government.
Who started squeezing town councils politically and financially from the moment he gave them political life and a budget? Bliar.
Now, councils have had no choice but to cut back on road-clearing. They're broke.
On the societal front, it is Thatcher's greed and selfishness maxim that has caused everyone to know their rights but none, their obligations.
Nobody just pitches in anymore for fear that they may end up being sued.
Geoff Hoon, the perfect Bliarite, is adding insult to injury. He's essentially saying that people should not complain about this situation.
How can people not complain?
Their bosses are seeking retribution for the ILLEGAL day-off.
BUT, whose fault is it that the workers couldn't get to work?
Hoon and neo-tory Labour.