I can't believe my eyes and ears. An old media source, MSNBC actually tried to pull the issue of
out of the wilderness of theory and Dick Cheney's New World Order and brought it home to all of us.
You don't think waterboarding is torture? Neither does Fox loudmouth Sean Hannity, he of the Three Irishmen of the Apocalypse (check my old story) .
Ken Oberman at MSNBC had 1000 bucks for that Worshipper of Reagan (the king of empty -headed figurehead leaders, spiritual father to Bush43).
1000 bucks per SECOND
if that wuss would only agree to be waterboarded.
A 30- day Colonel Sanders vs. Chicken standoff ensued.
How exiting.
Anyway, someone else happened to volunteer and, guess what.
That previous champion of water torture changed his mind.
He says it's akin to drowning somebody.
He wins 10 000 US currency units, or 1 Euro & 95 cents.
Hats off to Olberman. He finally stood up and said "Enough already!" "Let's inform the public for a change."

The pre-Iraq-invasion meaning of waterboarding.
Surf's up, dude!
-Costick67 ( 8^P