It's so funny in this Orwellian (or perhaps Murdochian) world how the blogs are revealing truths while the 'old news' sources, tv and print are scrambling to cover it up.
Here are a few which, when not causing laughter, foment anger when I see how some idiots actually believe the phoney hype.
-These are mostly re: US politics
Fairytale Land
(2001) We're in a long-term war against terrorists. We have to have new laws and cancel a few niggling civil rights, but what's the problem?

We're taking our time, using anti-terrorist laws on our own citizens for party political purposes. We're using all electronic surveillance means available, and abrogating the civil rights of those American citizens who disagree with the governing party's total domination of the world. (i.e. the previous Attorney General of New York who was going to stop the sub-prime loan fraud last year, but got caught nibbling at some hired trim. oh the shock! oh the horror!)
We also want airline passengers' data so that we can re-route planes away from US territory if one of the passengers has written a negative story on US Imperialism (the pen's mightier than the sword, don't you know?). Or, if they land in the US, they get sent right back home. "We don't want unfriendly aliens comin' here, okay?"
[The above is not to say that the Democrats will change anything, or be allowed to change anything. It may all be out of political hands altogether.]
Fairytale Land
NATO is an important part of the worldwide effort to keep peace and support international cooperation.
NATO is a front for US imperialist aggression around the world, sell American weaponry, and search for more oil and gas and control of more pipelines- from Ukraine to Georgia to Afghanistan to Central Asia to Russia. NATO wants to get more countries to enter so that Russia will be encircled, with nuclear missiles pointed straight at Moscow (Cold War, anyone?). It also uses its new international cooperators as bases for CIA torturing and renditions of innocent people (see Romania and UK). In their pipeline wars (see Escobar "Pipelineistan"), their actions have been more "Naked Gun" than James Bond. They funded the "Orange revolution" in the Ukraine, which may have been justified, but they may have given the fish toxin to their new marionette, and it's gone to his brain. Same for Georgia. Their puppet leader is also grossly unpopular now with his own people.

Fairytale Land
Europe cannot tolerate uncontrolled immigration of peoples. It will make our economies collapse. These poor, starving people should work hard to improve their own countries.
These poor starving Muslims and Africans are in this condition because EU agricultural policy is making the importation of African produce economically unviable and causing the dumping of cheap EU fruit&veg on these same African countries. So, local African farmers can't grow food cheaply enough for their markets and yet still make a living. So, we're telling Africans, "screw yourselves, please! at home! piss off and die!"
[Poor: Give our products access to the market.
West: But this is flagrant capitalism.]
Fairytale Land
EU farm and fishery policies are designed to help improve small businesses.
EU farm and fishing policies are designed for short-term gain, and to allow rich agri-business and fish-canning businesses to rape the Earth of every last bit of its money-making potential and putting that money right into the hands of the very rich people who know how to bribe politicians properly.
Fairytale Land
We want a two-state solution in the Middle East.
We in the US government couldn't give two sh*ts about the Arabs, but for anybody who does, the pro-Israel lobby will find a way to keep you from earning ANY of your weekly election donations, and you've got your hand out all the time. This week, you're a.... Nazi wife beater (any Nazi wives still left?)
Fairytale Land
Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela is a terrorist.
US: We couldn't overthrow his government, and we've tried (because we're terrorists), but we still want his oil, real cheap. You hear me, Hew-GOOO!?
Fiarytale Land
Obama: Afghanistan is a good war.
There's money to be made from mineral resources, and heroin and political influence to be peddled by controlling oil/gas pipelines (versus Russia) and the heroin trade, especially towards Russia.
[This is a drawing of the British soldiers in Afghanistan, circa 1900]
Fairytale Land
(2001) We're attacking Afghanistan because Al-QD hit the 2towers. It has been supported by the Afghan Taliban, we beat women and ban music, so off we go.

US: Who gives a sh*t about rights? We were pals with them until this: We wanted to control the Afghan government, so that we could have control of the pipeline, but those Pashtun hicks want a cut of the action, and a big one too. So, we must terminate. By the way, most of the terrorists were Saudi Wahabis, but we can't attack our ally and main oil supplier just because the government puts so much religious pressure on the locals that they're going nuts.
By the way, the Taliban tried to WARN THE U.S. about BinLD's attack. This is from historycommons. org:
July 2001 (or WTC minus 2 months)
Taliban Foreign Minister Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil learns that bin Laden is planning a “huge attack” on targets inside America. The attack is imminent, and will kill thousands. He learns this from Tahir Yildash, leader of the rebel Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), which is allied with al-Qaeda at the time. Muttawakil sends an emissary to pass this information on to the US consul general, and another US official, “possibly from the intelligence services,” also attends the meeting. The message is not taken very seriously;[Gee, I wonder why. They missed every other warning as well, e.g. from France, from the FBI, etc. - Costick67] one source blames this on “warning fatigue” from too many warnings. In addition, the emissary supposedly is from the Foreign Ministry, but did not say the message came from Muttawakil himself. The emissary then takes the message to the Kabul offices of UNSMA, the political wing of the UN. They also fail to take the warning seriously. [Independent, 9/7/2002; Reuters, 9/7/2002]
Fairytale Land
-(1991 & 2003) "Iraq threatens Europe and the US"
- Iraq threatened Israel, perhaps, with some fairly useless dud Scud missiles.
Fairytale Land
-(2003) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
-Iraq tried to sell its alloted oil sales in Euros, instead of dollars. Oil, is sold in American dollars only, in order to prop up the currency. Tony (Sa)damn Blair, or Bliar (below) got his Oxbridge mandarins to fish an old essay off the web and then changed a couple words around, and said "Here's proof for ya". What it was was a presidential-style perversion of parliament through lying, but you all knew that. Who's gonna make him pay if he's above the law?

Fairytale Land
-Iraq must be controlled by sanctions in order to save lives.
-Iraq, a relatively weak country, has to sign over its oil reserves or else the Imperialists are going to invade. Until then, we'll squeeze them until they revolt, whether or not hospitals go without medicines.

Fairytale Land
Iraq is colluding with Al-QD in order to attack America
US government: "You really can't tell the difference between one Moslem and another, can you? Even if you could, you don't care, because you hate them all, right?" How could a self-made demagogue work with a theocratic government full of Pashtun hicks.
Fairytale Land
Abu Graib and Guantanamo prisons are designed to house international terrorists who have illegally entered Iraq and Afghanistan. We treat them ulawfully because they are international criminals and there are no laws covering their rights.
Most of the prisoners are not international, but just defending their homes. Most are not criminals, but rebels. Washington thinks that they will be scaring off middle-class jihadis from joining the fight, but they have no idea how much this treatment of prisoners has encouraged more terrorism. Just see Pakistan.
Fairytale Land
Reporters are now routinely embedded with the US army for their own safety. Never have they been this close to the action and they're thankful for our protection.
US journalists are social-climbing Mercedes-wanting lazy gits. They are being embedded to ensure that they would bond personally with their soldiers/saviours so that they will not write anything untoward about them murdering innocent people, the suicides, the Geneva Convention, etc. Journos did comply, especially after the first firefight, when the soldiers were drawn in to change the underwear of said whimpering New York chair-jockey journalist.

Fairytale Land
Obama is a weak lefty who will free Gitmo prisoners and then they'll go back to jihad. There can be no jihad without those 200 guys, okay?
The big US newspapers "of note", NY Times [see Huffington Post, Greg Mitchell], Washington Post, etc. have, unbenownst to you, been getting coded messages from deep inside the government. Well, actually, it's the Republican party they've been channeling. The source's codename is "deep trunk" [their symbol is an elephant- they never forget an election loss] and he's feeding stories to those rags. Actually, Deep trunk is Dick Cheney or Karl Rove and they're just making it all up. Remember the WMD bullcrap the NYT swallowed whole? The same guys pulled that prank as well.
Fairytale Land
Bush43 isn't the only president who didn't capture BinLad. Clinton was "offered" BL in 1999, and didn't take him, if you believe one of CLinton's interviewers , circa 2008.
Republican historical revisionists are trying to remove the stink of blame from Bush43. Actually, until 1999, BL was working with the implicit consent of the US, by stirring up trouble in Afghanistan (primarily), Chechenya, Kosovo, Bosnia, FYROM, etc [checkitout "Pipelineistan" by Escobar], and it was only in that year that the US realised that BL and AlQD were also responsible for terrorist bombs against US targets in Tanzania and the navy ship off Yemen (?). BL was a double agent. Surprise! The 11th September '01 "thing" was meant to be a surprise, but I don't think it was one for some government people.
-Costick67 ( 8^P