However, some people knew this day would come, and to prepare for that day, they took our money to feather their plush nests.

You know, there is such a thing as rich-man's paranoia. Hey, that's the reason why we've got the police and the courts.
On this Mayday, the worker's holiday, how many of us are able to relax with our jobs under threat and the bills piling up?
One day for workers? What about the other 364?
Who's going to sell you your burger?
Certain rich folk have taken control of our economy,
saddled us with debt, and
taken away our rights and our democratic choices.
They did this in quick and easy steps: Crisis-after-crisis
what's next?
Since the powers are running all four* crises, they're not worried.
However, we certainly are.
Marxism/Communism scared the powers because it promised workers' rights. At that time, the powers needed local workers to run their factories. So, to fight communism, they gave us social-democratic countries: universal voting, health care, universal education, pensions and so on.

Now that the destitute slaves of the 3rd world are making our products, Western workers are expendable.

So, with communism gone, the powers are slowly trying to make it like social-democratic values never existed.
So, they're returning us to
pre-WW1 conditions
few rights,
little or no free health-care,
little or no free education,
no freedom of speech,
little or no democracy,
rampant warmongering,
and in the end, absolute tyranny.
-Costick67 ( 8^P
pics from (free)
* e.g. check: for war: Haliburton/Cheney; for flu: Gilead/Rumsfeld; for anything: Carlysle Group