Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Wear this nation's uniform with pride

In the US, Memorial Day is the time for that country to pay respect to its soldiers, living and dead. These soldiers haven't always been used purely as political pawns, as they are now, so some respect is due. This year, Obama added some new promises and admitted past failings of previous governments that have let seriously- (mentally and physically) ill Iraq vets rot and die on the streets because they were refused medical care or a disability pension.

I like some of Obama's words like (and remember they're just words, not yet actions):
“That is a betrayal of the sacred trust that America has with all who wear – and all who have worn – the proud uniform of our country,” Obama added. “And that is a sacred trust I am committed to keeping as President of the United States.”
But then I thought to myself:

"proud uniform of our country"?
It sounds as if there is
no other uniform an American can wear
that says "USA"
other than one that also symbolises the killing of 'foreigners'.
That hurts especially now that the US, as the only self-proclaimed superpower, is going around the world, single-handedly starting wars, revolts, and terrorist campaigns.
Like Colbert always says, the business of the US IS business, even if it means killing people.
(see the two stories below, and others for details)
- Costick67 ( 8^P