Sunday, 5 June 2011

anthropogenic global warming gets a new name

You know how we had, at one time, this idyllic little planet
in the Milky Way galaxy.
We basically took over as the big animal on campus
and have since totally trashed the place, like drunk
college kids on initiation.

To congratulate ourselves, we have thought of a new name for our period.
Oops, I blew up another nuke plant period
the Gulf of Mexico is clean period
Anthropo- obscene -behaviour period
Anthropocene period
and the winner is...
what's my cene?
the Anthropocene

Let's celebrate with some Toxicity & cute lewdness:

Geologists press for recognition of Earth-changing 'human epoch'

Experts want the human imprint in the geological record to be acknowledged as a new epoch, the Anthropocene
* Gaia Vince
*, Friday 3 June 2011 16.22 BST

Mushroom cloud over Bikini Atoll from a nuclear test [get your own picture]
Our footprint could be visible as radioactive material from bomb tests like those at Bikini Atoll in the 1950s, increased CO2 and mass extinction. Photograph: Corbis

These are epoch-making times. Literally. There is now "compelling evidence", according to an influential group of geologists, that humans have had such an impact on the planet that we are entering a new phase of geological time: the Anthropocene.

Millions of years from now, they say, alien geologists would be able to make out a human-influenced stripe in the accumulated layers of rock, [it's called pollution- Costick67] in the same way that we can see the imprint of dinosaurs in the Jurassic, or the explosion of life that marks the Cambrian. Now the scientists are pushing for the new epoch to be officially recognised.

"We don't know what is going to happen in the Anthropocene," says geographer Professor Erle Ellis of the University of Maryland. "But we need to think differently and globally, to take ownership of the planet."