Thursday, 23 June 2011

Costick67 may be a prophet, part 11

I knew it. Yo credo que los bancos d'Espana stato muertos.

Anyway, I don't know Spanish.

BUTT, I figured out that Spain should have been dead long ago,
and I wrote about it a few months back.

For a while, all we ever heard was Spanish Bank Santa X Y & Z is in trouble,
and then when Greece went under, all the noise about Spain died.

So, either Spain sorted itself out,
[higo de puta! You can never escape a crash]
or, the ECB is keeping it quiet and giving Spanish banks money, under the table.
And the winner is Plan B- under the table money!

Thank you.

Greece – the Saga Continues By Guest Author, Kiron Sarkar
June 21st, 2011, 1:00AM
Spanish banks are relying on ECB funding much more – ECB funding rose to E53bn in May, up from E42bn in April. A recently introduced scheme in Spain penalises Spanish banks from paying excessive amounts to gain deposits. The Result, more demand for ECB funding. Good luck Mr Trichet....