Friday, 10 June 2011

The Middle East murder mayhem show

I may be stoopid but I just had a new thought today about the reasons
behind the new world order in the Middle East.
Ok, so we know that the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were fronts for
doing business, for US contractors to rob the US government, for example.

However, now that we see lotsa countries getting in on the Libya thing,
I started thinking, this is not just the old colonial game. There's more to this!

Now, they've got their eyes on Syria.

So, what's going on is:
the US and UK are where they are
to permanently destabilise the Middle East
(including the 'revolutions' in North Africa)
so that war and mayhem will become normal
and so we'll just sit idly by while
they pick off one government after another.

Part 2
After Syria, Iran.

Part 3
They're doing the old divide and conquer, with the Arabs,
and covering for their little friend in Palestine
making sure the Arabs cannot get up a unified voice asking
for peace in the Middle East.
[they almost had a unified voice last year, but now...?]
They'll either do what the US/UK say or they'll
get a revolution or assassination by Tomahawk.

Part 4 the oil, dummy!

Enjoy the warfare. we've got front row seats. Don't forget the popcorn

P.S. the refugee flood is destroying the EU. Another bonus

Here's the flip side. If the US needs you onside, they'll help kill your rebels.
Bahrain, Saudi, Yemen (they're bombing it now)
The sideshow is the Formula 1 race in March was cancelled because
the Bahraini government welcomed in the Saudi army to kill Bahraini Shiites.
The millionnaires were worried about their hides, but not a word about anybody else's.

The guy from the Daily Bell (below) had the same idea (ignore the China title), at about the same time, about the rise in mayhem. But he missed the real reason.

-Costick67 ~(8^P
checkitout: 2 things
1 Daily Bell
China Tries to Start a War?
Saturday, June 11, 2011 – by Anthony Wile
Anthony Wile
When economic times sour, elites turn to war, or at least start to escalate military tensions. Europe and America are involved in at least four wars now, and unfortunately the West's escalating military involvement probably won't stop there. The West, in fact, seems destined to build a full-scale regional war out of a series of disparate ones.

They are, all of them, phony wars in some sense, even as they endlessly abide. Afghanistan apparently wasn't justified, as the Taliban had nothing to do with al-Qaeda and even offered to turn Osama bin Laden over to the George W. Bush administration based on a submission of evidence (that the US refused to present).

The Iraq war was supposedly aimed at removing weapons of mass destruction (whatever that means) from Saddam Hussein, but it seems he didn't have any. Now the US has taken to bombing Libya and Yemen for some reason; doubtless a justification will emerge (just don't hold you breath).

But building-up war is not simply a Western preoccupation. This is what China seems to be trying to do. You won't read about it because the mainstream media seems allergic to the story, but China's economy seems frankly to be at a kind of turning point (the bad kind), and doubtless the two issues are related.....

Jean Todt ignites F1 row with Bernie Ecclestone in Bahrain fiasco
• Bahrain GP set to be wiped from F1 season
• Decision to quit smacks of 'hypocrisy', says Bahrain
* Paul Weaver
*, Thursday 9 June 2011 21.10 BST
Meanwhile there was further evidence yesterday of the worrying amorality – immorality, even – of Formula One, which has largely turned a blind eye to the killings, woundings, tortures and arrests that have been going on in Bahrain as the people protest for more human rights and greater freedoms....