The US just cannot leave Afghanistan.
Even though the "goal" of the invasion was the quest for Al Quiaida and Osama.
Well, the Als are in Pakistan, with the US army drone planes.
Osama is dead (again) so, the US should be leaving.
Obama just mentioned that 30 000 soldiers will leave, BUTT
the Pentagon has a different opinion.
It may become necessary for the latter to erase the former!
It may become necessary for the latter to erase the former!
Even the UK, that's largely f^*king about and
filling its C-130s with caskets full of dead soldiers;
even they have just started questioning their exit date
of 2015!
they want to extend their Pashtun vacation.
Passionate about Pashtunia! We're the British army!
fess up, boys.
They're not up there for the war on terror.
Maybe for heroine trafficking.
Maybe for arranging Central Asian gas.
Maybe to invade Pakistan.
Maybe to invade Iran.
Maybe for permanent control of the region.

of 2015!
they want to extend their Pashtun vacation.
Passionate about Pashtunia! We're the British army!
fess up, boys.
They're not up there for the war on terror.
Maybe for heroine trafficking.
Maybe for arranging Central Asian gas.
Maybe to invade Pakistan.
Maybe to invade Iran.
Maybe for permanent control of the region.