Sunday, 21 October 2012

Mush: sell up everything and become a gypsy, in order to survive

I've been hammering away at Mish Shedlock lately.
Nothing personal. But I can only interpret the
story below as a message to all workers.
Sell up everything and go on the road,
looking for jobs. On the Road, for him,
would be a much different movie than
Jack Kerouac's.
Not to be confused with living in your car.

chuckle away: (it's your future)  from Mish Shedlock
Plenty of Jobs if You are "King of the Road"

This post is about "Bobo". I wrote about Bobo before. He is in his early 50s, highly skilled, and willing to travel. In his latest email, he says "I'm down to one bag, one laptop, and one phone."

When he loses his job, he gets another within a few days.

King of the Road

My previous post was Bobo’s Travels - Plenty of Job Offers for Skilled Engineers IF You Can be Like Bobo, written on December 2, 2011.

Here is an update from "Bobo" on what the last year was like.

Hello Mish

The US mining job I was at just ended. They gave me one hour to clean out my desk. That was nice. A power plant where I once worked only gave me 5 minutes.

Hire. Fire. Boom. Bust. Construction is a fast world.

Lucky for me I can get another job in a few days or so. This is the third consecutive time I've overlapped the next job with the severance package from the one before. Call it sweet revenge.

Last year I worked for 3 companies, in 2 countries, and 5 states. This year, so far, I worked in 2 countries and 3 states.