with guys like Joshua Mellors hanging around
Here he is on Max Keiser’s show
let's cut to the video:
14:00 suicide watch
1439 suicides baked into their [bankers’] equations
1550 double hit. QE to banks. Austerity for the people depressing the economy
More control of economy for banks, which is the opposite of what should happen.
It’s an intentional policy.
1705 scapegoating. Globalization of rich guys’ savings. Takes pressure off the real killers
1735 100 million affected.
1757 “misselling” of stuff to Milan that has destroyed Italian cities and their banks.
BBC “straight up lying” about this
1900 thanks to bank tricks, all surplus goes to the banks. Destroys the economy.
1925 this will destroy Germany, UK, US and all its banks. [actually, when that becomes the only option, that is when countries get out their armies and annihilate each other, or their own people]
1955 political sanction for the banks to screw people
2040 fraud per GDP. How can debt be growth, fraudulent debt is even worse. “it looks like there’s a claim on something, but ther isn’t”
2125 30% of GDP is fraud. Therefore , no regulation
2150 end game for Germany. 1 suicide bankers 2 get colonies (rent seeking) in the periphery and then take the new world forward. [3 they destroy the economy, fiat money, and rebellion starts, and that’s when the SDR, one world government, drones and constant surveillance culling all problematic people]
Annexed territories of the centre, or no way out
22 German has suppressed its wages below productivity, other countries can’t compete [thank you very much]. Export unemployment.
Reinvest German surplus in the periphery, but Germans will only agree if the PIIGS are colonies
2320 German fourth Reich. Joshua says people don’t see that [interesting how Germans as well as Brussels are taking advantage of the banking pressure from UK US to pay back, and turning it into direct rule and the fourth reich. I think it will end up with one world government because the Germans and their banks are not the bosses. Their bosses will take over at the appropriate time.]
2350 HFT trading and control of media means you don’t see the colonizing war coming and then its upon you.
2420 osbourne. Not a fool. He knows what he’s doing when he robs the cripples.
“political capture” “he’s doing what he’s told””that the rich are richer since 2008 is a coincidence” cue laughter