Sunday, 14 October 2012


Now that we're sure that Brussels is riding on the coat-tails of
the IMF, and using this opportunity to push for full EU control
of "democracy" and the military, the only solution is cutting
yourself out the country that you nominally belong to,
especially if that country is colluding with Barosso, the
would-be king of Europe. I mean Spain. The Catalans
may just succeed where nothing else democratic has yet done
in giving the power brokers something to mull over,
and to stick up their butts.

Venice is also looking at going solo.
Scotland had just started its freedom process

UPDATE: Belgium soon to consider splitting up,
setting Brussels free to enslave the other 26.5 countries

Checkitout: Zerohedge
Spanish Military Threatens Treason As Catalonia Seeks Secession Referendum

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/24/2012 13:51 -0400

"Do not play with the feelings of the Catalans" is the totally unveiled threat after Catalonia's beggars-can-be-choosers demand for an unconditional bailout fell on deaf ears. The traditionally separatist-minded province has decided, according to ANSAmed, has decided to pull a Greece - and escalate with a move to secession. A resolution, on the right of the Catalan people to cut off ties with the Spanish state, will be voted on Thursday by the regional parliament.

This statement of "the will of Catalan people to vote on the bond with the State of Spain" opens the way for forthcoming elections on November 25 to become a referendum on the sovereignty of Catalonia.

The Spanish military are not taking this lying down with the counter-threat that these 'separatists' and their 'inappropriate and unacceptable' threat to break-up Spain shall be, according to El Economista, charged with high treason. We are sure Draghi has a 'grand plan' for this.

Via ANSAmed: Spain: Catalan Parliament will vote on right of independence

(ANSAmed) - Madrid, September 24 - The parties which played a central role in the National Day of Catalonia on September 11, 2012 are now working on a statement on the right of the Catalan people to cut off the tie with the Spanish state.

The resolution will be voted on Thursday by the regional parliament, at the end of the general debate due to start tomorrow. To the writing of the resolution on sovereignty, which is not binding, are participating the following parties: Convergencia i Union (CiU), the ruling party in the Generalitat, with 62 deputies; Iniciativa (ICV-Euia), with 10 deputies; Esquerra Republicana (ERC), 10 deputies, the independents of Solidaritat, 3 deputies, and Joan Laporta.

The Popular Party (PP) (18 deputies) and Ciutadans (3) are against the initiative, while the Socialist Party (PSC, 28) proposes to move towards the construction of a federal state.