Sunday, 14 October 2012

send in the Klaus. Vaclav Klaus

It's really demoralising that all of the democratic symbols
of the EU aresinging the same enslavement song. I just
saw the EU parliament, or some such sh*t, listening to
Mario Draghi lie through his teeth, and hardly anybody
could raise even a fart-sized stink about the
continuation of "Let's Save a Bank".

One lady did say something about the fact that Draghi's unit,
the Draghi-net
doesn't have any women on it.
Feminists on the front lines!
One French MEP,Coullard said
"while you're at it,
they don't have to be from Goldman Sachs, either"
Nice zinger, chicky. But there's more at play here than
zinging the petty potentate of the Bankocracy.
Draghi looked at her, with his crooked smile
(a sign of mental illness) and said nothing.

let's cut to another chunk of the show:

So, when there are national leaders anywhere, esp. in the EU,
who are giving this system a swift kick in the arse, I'm
immediately interested.

Vaclav Klaus is the Prez of the Czechs. I thought he was a
curmudgeon, but that was before the crisis . Now, he's
about the wisest guy around. Check his pontifications
below and also Viktor Orban, the PM of Hungary.

But first, I need to give a slap to Mush/Mish Shedlock.
He is pissed off about the Far Right in Greece, Golden
Dawn, and what they are doing. However, this is what
happens, Mish, when none of the elected politicians
have the guts to stand up to the Banker Putsch, which
Mish hasn't been loud enough in his criticism of. Take
for e.g. taxing rich people and banks. Mish is against
that. Well, bring on the fasicsts, Mish. They'll fix things .

First Mish, then Vaclav. You decide

Mish [3rd paragraph kinda makes GD look good. Troika ever fed anyone?]:
“They went round the villages saying that if they got into parliament they’d call for every immigrant to be deported,” says Panos Damalos, an activist with Anti-Racist Initiative, an immigrant support group.

“There is no such person as a legal immigrant,” says Mr Kassidiaris, a former Greek army commando whose approval rating soared after he slapped a female Communist parliamentary candidate on a breakfast television talk-show.

Yet Golden Dawn has also tried to build an image of social responsibility, through regular food distributions to needy Greeks registered with the party and by providing a service to accompany pensioners to the bank in neighbourhoods where muggings – which they blame on immigrants – are frequent. [FT newspaper]
Maria Tsalpatura, a 75-year-old retired schoolteacher, says she calls Golden Dawn every month before she goes to collect her pension. “They come on time and they’re very polite, I think they offer a real service,” she says.

This cannot possibly end well, whether or not Greece gets a time extension.

Policies have driven Greece straight into the hands of extreme radicals on the right and left, both of which have had enough of the Troika and Germany.


   Automatic Earth on Vaclav Klaus:
Czech President Václav Klaus gives his view in the Telegraph this weekend. Klaus is not my favorite person, he's certainly no Václav Havel, but he provides a few good insights here.

Václav Klaus warns that the destruction of Europe's democracy may be in its final phase

The new push for a European Union federation, complete with its own head of state and army, is the "final phase" of the destruction of democracy and the nation state, the president of the Czech Republic has warned.

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Václav Klaus warns that "two-faced" politicians, including the Conservatives, have opened the door to an EU superstate by giving up on democracy, in a flight from accountability and responsibility to their voters. "We need to think about how to restore our statehood and our sovereignty. That is impossible in a federation. The EU should move in an opposite direction," he said.

Last week, Germany, France and nine other of Europe's largest countries called for an end to national vetoes over defence policy as Guido Westerwelle, the German foreign minister, urged the creation of a directly elected EU president "who personally appoints the members of his European government".

Mr Westerwelle, in a reference to British opposition, called for nation states to be stripped of vetoes on defence to "prevent one single member state from being able to obstruct initiatives" which "could eventually involve a European army".

The new offensive followed the unprecedented declaration by the Commission's president, José Manuel Barroso[MAOIST-Costick67], during his "state of union" address to the European Parliament on 12 September, that he would make proposals for a fully-fledged EU "federation" in 2014. "Let's not be afraid of the word," he said.[CULTURAL PURGES COMING SOON-Costick67]

[..] Mr Klaus described Mr Barroso's call for a federation, quickly followed by the German-led intervention, as an important turning point.

"This is the first time he has acknowledged the real ambitions of today's protagonists of a further deepening of European integration. Until today, people, like Mr Barroso, held these ambitions in secret from the European public," he said. "I'm afraid that Barroso has the feeling that the time is right to announce such an absolutely wrong development. "They think they are finalising the concept of Europe, but in my understanding they are destroying it." [..]

"When it comes to the political elites at the top of the countries, it is true, I am isolated," he said. "Especially after our Communist experience, we know, very strongly and possibly more than people in Western Europe, that the process of democracy is more important than the outcome". [..]

In his book, Europe: The Shattering of Illusions, to be published by Bloomsbury on Thursday, Mr Klaus makes the case that the EU has evolved into its current form because political leaders have found it convenient to turn away from their nation states, where voters have historically been able to hold them to account.

"Political elites have always known that the shift in decision-making from the national to the supranational level weakens the traditional democratic mechanisms (that are inseparable from the existence of the nation state), and this increases their power in a radical way. That is why they wanted this shift so badly in the past, and that is why they want it today," he writes.

"The authors of the concept of European integration managed to short circuit the minds of the people, making a link between Hitler's aggressive nationalism (nationalism of a totally negative type) and the traditional nation state, calling into question the existence of nation states in general. Of the many fatal mistakes and lies that have always underpinned the evolution of the EU, this is one of the worst."