no, it's not about hermaphrodites
no, it's not about transexuals
nor about butch lesbians either

He used to smoke and drink too much. Usually, the week after he would retire, he'd die. If he happened to live longer, he'd bitch about how his boss screwed him out of money, his colleagues stole his ideas...blah, blah, blah.
About 50 years ago, after all the emotional and physical abuse from hubby, women thought,
'Gee, I must be missing something out there. It all seems so exciting.'
Well, if you like it, I'm here to tell you, you can have it. All of it.
It was as my generation was growing up that this shift was picking up pace, in the workplace. So, I've seen a wide range of female behaviour.
You may think that I'm complaining about my maternal unit. Not true. quite the opposite, actually. She's not the reason why I've tried to formulate this theory for 30 years now.
It's about changes in public female behaviour over the years.
It seemed to me that women tended to be more understanding and willing to listen. Perhaps guys, in the places where they work, have used too much emotional blackmail on those women. As a result, women are now more often on the attack than willing to listen. This is particularly bad for women in management. I've often witnessed this female style of management, but it's not the rule; just fairly common. [One of them was even an Ayn Rand fan, and thus up her own butt, but I digress.]
Since men have the cultural confidence in management, they're now actually more understanding, because they know that most employees are not stupid enough to actively seek to get fired by being aggressive (or being a bad employee). Women, it seems, lacking this confidence, are more interested in not appearing weak, and so go on the attack, thus alienating otherwise good employees.
I find some of the same behaviour from female co-workers. I truly believe that they're covering for their natural openness in an environment which they find threatening. No amount of self-effacing feminist babble on my part seems to calm them down. I try, buuutttt, I won't apologise for being a guy, or castrate myself.

For them, I've used the epithet
Honorary members of the Men-With-Tits Club:
Maggie Thatcher (this is a proven fact)
Condoleeza Rice (dances like a lesbian)
Hillary Clinton (why did Bill wander?)
Birds of a different feather:
It seems that there's another brand of modern woman who at work, or in private life, tries to walk around like feminism never happened. They may not be understanding, but they certainly are feminine. Almost too feminine, like 'Dolls'. Not feminine and normally dressed, but feminine and sexually alluring- all day long. No problem there. It just seems that this too is a reaction to modern life. It's as if the only place for femininity is in the seeking of sexual attention*. Again, no problem for me. They get that attention.
A strange mix, which I've seen before, is the man-with-tits who may be physically appealling, and actually sexually threatening. The kind of gal who will stand eye-to-eye with you and expect to be hit on, or else she'll check your packet. Exciting!
It gets annoying though when they're in a pack of lad-ettes (another modern female archetype), and they've all got fat arses from sitting at a desk all day, and drinking too much beer every night.[the second group is from Australia, where they're affectionately known as bushpigs]
They don't like being rejected, especially when they're three-sheets-to-the-wind. Then it's boot-to-the-nuts time for any shy guy within range.I'm afraid that when the dust clears, it'll be (weak) guys vs (tough) girls, which will be a disaster. Maybe that's why many older, shy guys are finding foreign wives. Most other countries around the world, advanced and not, don't have (wo)men-with-tits. Women act like women, and all some of them want is a good husband (I wonder what the divorce rate is). Of course, their female kids will likely become men-with-tits, so this is just a statistical blip.
It's one thing to work overseas and find a wife, or find an immigrant in your country. Buttt, mail-order wives are a disgrace in this century. There was a good British film with that as the central plot.
[this movie temporarily cancels my 'ignore Nicole Kidman' policy**]
-Costick67 (8^P
* perhaps they're worried that feminists have beaten the crap out of men and that guys need a sexual pick-me-up/ wake-up-call, lest they all go gay. Or maybe they're just desperately looking for a vanishing resource; a civilised yet virile guy (or one with a bottle of viagra), who isn't a wife-beater.
** also Tom Cruise, and Nicolas Cage Copolla
***why do we call young women 'girls'? The age of the infantilisation of adults and sexualisation of children (by advertisers).