C. Heston says "Damn you bankers all to hell!"]
[under construction 2010-2012]
The EU is looking to control the hedgers whose tentacles reach out from the City stockbrokerages in London.
Like I said below, many times, it seems that the EU has figured out, F^&*KIN' FINALLY, that the UK and US hedgers were aiming to shoot down the whole EU, and not just the Euro. Nothing personal, just business.
New Law Drive to clean up the mess:
This clean-up process could take up to two years, and there's gonna be a lot of sanctimonious screeching, in Received Pronunciation, on the tapescript in Brussels.
Therefore, I'm really going to enjoy this. I'll follow every step of this process, goddamit, and i'm gonna light a smoke after every session!
[pic metro.co.uk newspaper]
-Costick67 (8^P
May 18, MMX
first vote in the Commission for hedging law change. Passed. Yee-haw!
pass the ashtray!
[Addendum] Germany has made a law, in the middle of the night, to outlaw naked short-selling, which, truth be told, was the most ridiculous, illogical and dangerous of the traders' tricks. I'M LIKING THIS!
-I wonder why this is causing turmoil? Maybe it's the panic of a wolf looking for a new Red Riding Hood, to put it politely. Maybe Germany is trying to force Europe's hand, because the law above could take 2 years to pass, and Britain stands in the way, if they need unanimity [the Conservatives are funded by the bankers in question].