Tuesday, 25 May 2010

well, it ain't a pizza pie

As a young, impressionable lad, I used to be anti-nukes and anti-war. Now, I simply admit that countries will never give up their nuclear defenses. Okay then, how does the UK defend itself?

Well, it could place a bunch of missile silos in certain secret locations, around the country. The deterent is ready. Great. Actually, they're not happy.

They have been talking about 'renewing the Trident defense system', for over a year now. The old ones've gotta go. Problem, the new ones (three to be exact) cost 70 billion quid. What's so special about Trident? Well, it's the delivery system.
It's a F^^**Iking SUBMARINE!
[thanks to Greenpeace for the snap]

Now, what possible use could a submersible
-that could crash*, blow up, leak all over the place-
have that a silo can't?

Delivery to your door!**

One day in the near future:

Hello. British Navy, here.
We've got a delivery for you,
Mr. Ahmedinejad.
Mr. A: I no want.
BN: It's a pizzaaaaa.
Mr.A: Sok-et. Fak-off. No want!
[Hiroshima memorial]
Why don't you just tell the British public,
you want to use nukes to threaten
countries you don't like.
No harm done, so far.

-Costick67 (8^P

* The Brits ran into a French tub in the Atlantic. A bit crowded over there.
** If you have a port within 500 miles.