Wednesday, 19 May 2010

gross national happiness

what's so gross about it?

check out the kingdom of happiness:

You've all heard that after a certain point, our riches don't make us any happier. In fact, if we spend every day chasing after bucks, we lose the essence of life. Of course, that never stopped anybody in the West from chasing the buck and one-upping the Jones next door.
The expression GNH came from the 4th King of Bhutan, who is more interested in the happiness of 'his people' than their production.

Another alternative view on life is that it's just a ride, and that it's not about doing what anybody tells you, and not about 'must do' stuff which cost you money (making others rich) and yet provide you nothing.
This is from Bill Hicks.
He says 'You think life's real, and maybe it is. But it's a ride, and it's your choice how to ride.

He's mostly against war-mongering, banking, advertising, etc.

or, you could follow the capitalist creed: JUST BUY IT, consumers:

-Costick67 (8^P
