I can't recommend Vienna enough. Its centre is small and full of amazing buildings. It's no wonder the Austro-Hungarian empire lost just about every war. They were spending all their time and money on building palaces. Lots of them were finished just before 1914.

[biggest human cuckoo clock in the world. They get a smoke break every 95 minutes. There's also a toilet and a staffroom behind the clock.]

[the romantic horse & carriage. They don't like firecrackers, though.]

[Turk street. This must be as far as the Turks got when they rolled into town in 1683. They left their coffee behind, making Vienna into a coffee town, well before Seattle. Eat that on a muffin, Starbuckeroos.]

[the Rathaus- I didn't see any rodents]

[the Opera. Be careful wasting your time trying to get a tour.]

[the strange erectus rabbit-beast in the Jesuitkirche, before Easter]

[wild, handy, mythological creatures in marble]

[Gimme back my shorts, ya pig!]

[How do you mount this thing? What are these handles for?]

[Beethoven in the Konzerthall. Stern-looking bastard]
[the central promenade]
-Costick67 (8^P