Even though our economic masters, on Wall Street, seem invincible (they can break every law known to man), actually they can be beaten, with a little faith,
and an insider with the dope (info).
That insider is Max Keiser, a former broker.
Cantona shoots, he scoresThat insider is Max Keiser, a former broker.
He's got a new idea. We need to take our money out of the banks on 7 December, this year. Go search for the protest site (but don’t google it- you might get arrested).
part 2
It also seems that we can affect the markets, on the advice of Max Keiser (dot com): to buy silver bullion (coins, bars), to raise the price so that the hedge-market short positions (expecting prices to fail, because of hedgers own market manipulations) will fail, meaning that the big US/UK brokerage houses will fall.
part 3
Look after yourselfGo outside. Stick your finger in the air, and realise that financial armageddon is coming.
Grow your own food, even in a flat, but watch out if your windows fog up because the police will think you’re growing weed, and bust down your door. Mend your clothing, trade with neighbours, fix what you can, buy a renewable source of energy (wind, solar) if you can.
These things will flatten the economy and get rid of the present group of politicians, and the next set, too. All of them will go, like in Argentina, until somebody decides to tell the bond-holders ‘sorry, I can’t pay you’, defaults, pays the short term pain, and continues on a new path of sustainable growth without debt, national or personal. It’s risky, but Argentina is now back as an economic power. We have to realise that the economy is fine.
It’s the bankers and the government that are trying to kill our economies.
They got us into debt, nationally and personally (and we’re mostly to blame for the personal). So, there’s no need for revolution, in the traditional sense. Just look after your own kind, and then let nature take its course. Tobias Jones (BBC) said that utopia is the ability to live in a primitive community. I think we’ll be forced to do so, very soon. That primitive community is what our countries will become, if we’re lucky.-Costick67 ~(8^P
RT.com (Keiser report)