I just realised how the goal posts have moved, lately. A few years ago we would have been happy if our governments were not killing Iraqis and Afghans and not working on behalf of the oil companies. Now, that’s small potatoes.
Now we want economic fairness, maybe a job or at least some food. As usual, many of us won’t get those needs (not wishes) fulfilled because the rich want to kill us off.
The Wiki-Leak
So, Andy goes to dinner parties and just lays bare the ‘Great Game’ metaphor, about what gets Western imperialists excited. It involves scoring the business deal, but using the army if necessary. It’s all about control.
And then he has the temerity to call other countries corrupt. There’s more than one definition of corruption, Andy. Apparently, Andy is also corrupt, and in collusion with the very people he’s accusing of corruption. Timur Kulibayev, the son-in-law of the ‘corrupt’ Kazakh leader gave Andy £15 million pounds for his British mansion, through off-shore companies. That means that that income is non-taxable, because it’s gone! Corruption, indeed.[song: Take a Leak on Andy]
-Costick ~(8^P