These swine being Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the North of England. All these areas once fed London, now they can't live without London. It's as if the SWINE are in a Third-world country, attached to their colonial owners, the City of London, and the Queen, and Phillip;
Green that is. The offshore King of British retail.
The SWINE're often found saying:
"Throw us a freakin' bone, or a jail over here."
Where's the little money up north going?
ask UK Uncut , a protest group that is doing what the government refuses to do:
Make the rich pay their fair share of taxes.
Their tool, public protest and embarrassment of the HMRC (taxman)
and the rich bastards
TopShop (Phil Green 1.5 billion tax free),
Vodafone (6 billion taxfree )
Where's the little money up north going?
ask UK Uncut , a protest group that is doing what the government refuses to do:
Make the rich pay their fair share of taxes.
Their tool, public protest and embarrassment of the HMRC (taxman)
and the rich bastards
TopShop (Phil Green 1.5 billion tax free),
Vodafone (6 billion taxfree )
-Costick67 ~(8^P
follow this group on twitter and here's their blog
follow this group on twitter and here's their blog