So, all governments are about control, by their very nature.
If we are to protest, and we should, we should also say , not ‘listen to us’ or ‘we want fairness’, but
‘we don’t need you telling us what to do’, and
‘we’ll “take care” of business, and you too’, and
‘pack your bags’
Our actions should reflect our own independent nature. We should look after our immediate loved ones and ourselves, and withdraw from the economic system.‘we’ll “take care” of business, and you too’, and
‘pack your bags’
The political system will soon crumble if the government’s rich (tax-evading) buddies are losing money. They won’t know which horse to bet on, and the whole place will go ape-shit.
Let's take care of business and the other suits in parliament. Sing it!
-Costick67 ~(8^P