Saturday, 4 December 2010

sadomasochism parading as democracy

the three line whip.
Oh, the imagery

I imagine a line of three dominatrixies, each of them holding a whip.
They are offering to do me some harm,
because I am a lowly, elected politician
from the back benches.

The real definition:

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
three-line whip-noun
/ˌθriː.laɪnˈwɪp/ n [C usually singular]

In Britain, a three-line whip is an instruction given to Members of Parliament by the leaders of their party telling them they must vote in the way that the party wants them to on a particular subject.
A three-line whip comes from the daily agenda distributed by the party whips [there's a job] which lists all the votes. The important votes are “underlined three times to denote urgency and requiring party members to attend the vote.”

Oh sh*t, the real problem:

whatever happened to voting with your conscience?
or voting the way you know that your constituents want you to vote?
you are their representative.
It just boils down to us-vs-them politics,
don't it?
I guess they're not afraid of the public, yet.
-Costick67 ~(8^P