from the good news file:
We discovered, with the funeral to end all demi-god
funerals, that the devil's spawn were actually not
happy with the UK:
Thatcher's children won't return to Britain in 'immediate future'
I guess they're expecting to be treated like royalty,
up to and including condoning their crimes and
With today's corruption, I wonder why they too
haven't been allowed to prance around,
pissing on all moral codes. Current politicians
are having a field day.
I guess the Conservatives have indeed turned
their back on Thatcherism, despite the hagio-
graphy at the funeral.
Another fine point about the funeral and its
planning by the megalomaniacal Baroness.
She planned it all and the lists and the songs
and the reading. This title from the Torygraph
made her seem rather meek:
waste money on flypast for me'
What it is implying , however, (even though
I could not bring myself to read the story) was
playing coy. anything just short of a flypast was
okay, and
playing coy. anything just short of a flypast was
okay, and
"BTW, charge it all to the UK taxpayers."
That's her parting Poll-up-yer-keester Tax to
her beloved nation. @sarc