Sunday, 28 April 2013

ghost traders & storm riders in the stock markets

Although Max Keiser is one of the good guys, he apparently
had a hand in an early HFT system on the stock market,
that he sold on to some fool.

Anyway, he had a "ghost trader" as part of the theory
behind the system. He equates this with today's shadow
markets and their role in the stock market. Those shadow
markets, coupled with HFT are ruining what's left of the
corrupt money markets.

Here's the show, and my musical paen to f%^&ked up
markets that are actually affecting us all.

[shadow markets: about 3 minutes in]
[HFT and twitter hack: 5 minutes in]

[it's stormy on the markets, to someone's benefit]

[The Police- they're prophets who foresaw HFT trading]

Another example is the effect that a HACK joke on Twitter can have
on the markets. The REASON? almost 100% of the markets are
HFT machines that READ Twitter. The problem is those machines
do not have a bullshit censor.
See the Keiser show above for the scary news story.