Sunday, 7 April 2013

I know why austerity is locking down welfare and PS pay

because governments know that inflation, real, massive inflation
are coming down the pike and they don't want their
expenses to go up.
They know it's coming because their banker friends
are telling them, off the record.
Those, like me , who read the right alt media know
it's coming.

Making the unsuspecting, faithful , law abiding public
pay for the massive government f£%6k up that is
the post-2008 world, is the newly revealed plan.

It was decided in 2010 at the G20 ho-down,
according to Barnaby is Right.

They know what their unlimited QE that opens
up the liquidity sluices every time another
stoopid bank runs out of options.
They can come crying to the government. We ,
the public , have to just suck it up and brave
the inferno.
 Forget that QE is free money (fake, electronic) money
for the banks who will invariably squander it or
pocket it in bonuses.
We didn't cause this mess, despite what some
positivists feel is our fault for having the temerity
to vote.

That's all governments want. To control their costs.
They want to get elected again and they think this
is the way to do it.
They have no sense for the tidal wave of human
misery that will cause the MSmedia to not leave
their offices ever again.
They would be begged, mugged, attacked or
at the very least , they would need to see and ignore
all the people who will needlessly have their lives
splayed and displayed in the nearest square, that is
until the police can take them away and jail them.

Sorry for the apocalyptic vision, but I keep having
these and I can now connect the dots.
Austerity is stoopid, and governments know it's
stoopid. They just have no brains and they are
political bitches to the banker pimp.