I always grab stuff to read , no matter where I go.
trains are a great place to get a free newspaper
From a students' newspaper at Queen Mary
comes a strong article in the 11 Feb edition
which makes clear the massive hypocrisy
of Amnesty International being a pressure
group with a history and yet having been
taken over by the US S-t-a-t-e Department.
The article was titled No Peace with Amnesty
One of it points was how it mixed women's
rights with the US army's role in the
Middle East, pushing for the US to stay
until women have full equal rights.
In other words, invasion under false pretenses,
mass murder and theft of oil, if nothing else,
is stamped APPROVED because the
Amnesty wants to change the fate of
the middle eastern woman.
War Bitches.
Amnesty, that is
And I don't think it was Hillary Clinton's
influence (recently retired For. Secr.),
but there is a rule against
Amnesty workers being propositioned
for fellatio, by the executives of AI or any
past or present Presidents.
I've previously mentioned the effect that Amnesty's
jokey Pussy Riot has had on Russia. Look it up