I finally had an idea for how to put across two key, related
politicians, in the Obituary Wars:
Chavez vs Thatcher
We have here two opposing forces. One for more fairness
and society, and the other a neo-liberal "individualistic"
(when it suited her) piece of nasty.
BTW-Thatcher (it has been proved) was in favour of ousting
Chavez (democratically elected President of Venezuela),
for oily reasons.
BBC: "Chavez was a divisive figure. that is all"
BBC: "the lovely Margaret Thatcher will have psalms, and
songs and famous pallbearers who are preparing as
we speak, behind our 'reporter' who should be nailing
Thatcher's spiv bankers to the wall, but that would be impolitic
especially since the lovely public funeral is only 3 days away.
We'd like to thank the British public for their license fee and
for paying for this lovely funeral. Did we mention the types of
flowers? BREAKING NEWS There will be chrysanthemums!"
So. I'll use this entry to label Thatcher a
Political revolutionary
explicitly in the mould of Stalin & Pinochet
I think she studied them both
The only difference between her and them is that Thatcher
had a handbag/purse.
It was the way, the Chicago school way, of bringing in change
that the majority do not want, and that is likely not beneficial
in the long term. The way is to spin yourself into a tornado
that sweeps aside all barriers to your progress.
in the long term. The way is to spin yourself into a tornado
that sweeps aside all barriers to your progress.
Just look at how news stories say how Thatcherism changed
everything, as if her cabinet were useless rich f%$^&kers.
(actually, that's not too hard to believe) Did they intentionally
(actually, that's not too hard to believe) Did they intentionally
make it seem as if Thatcher did it all, or was she truly
a whirlwind?
a destructive force of nature?
Stalinism (Soviet Union)
Chicago school neo-liberalism (Chile)
Thatcherism (UK)
The only one that is still alive is Thatcherism, even though its
wet nurse has just done the polite thing and left us to clean up
her mess.
Later, I'll post the key texts on Thatcher to help solve the puzzle
of this devil, for posterity.
of this devil, for posterity.